Humble Prayer Partner
Lord why have you left me alone. I have no one. No finances, depression. Why did God leave me by myself. My heart is torn in pieces. Why won’t He take me like he did my mom and my family? I owe friends money and can’t pay them back. I have no peace of mind. I Cry. No options. I pray. No answer. I am so tired and I am weak. Lord, I do not want to be out of your grace. I do not want to live my life away from you. I know you and you knew before I was born. You are my Redeemer, my strength, my rock…my help in time of trouble. Lord lead me back to you. Let me come back into your loving arms. I am lost without you and I don’t know which way to go. Trouble hits me on every side. I long for my past days of serving you. Of the joy and peace I had in your presence and grace. Restore me Lord and lift me out of the miry clay. Raise me so that I can be a testimony of your goodness and faithfulness. Jesus turn things around in my life. Turn the bad into good. The wrong into right. Change the lack of into abundance. Fill my storehouse so that I can be the giver, the helper. Oh Holy Father, hear my prayer and turn not a death ear to me. Hear the prayers of those who have joined in prayer for and with me. Let not your word return void. For your word does not lie. I trust in you. My heart is heavy and options are few…yet You, Lord are to whom I cling. Forgive me of all of my sins and transgressions. Restore my hope, my life. Lord hear my cry. hear my plea. Break all curses and assignments that Satan has on me, my past generations. Let me take up my bed my walk. Heal my body my spirit, my mind and my soul. Make me new and whole again. Lord deliver me. Lord Save me. Save my home, my car. Bless me with money to pay bills and pay others who have helped me. Lord let your light once again shine through me. Let me be a hearer, a worker, a doer of your Holy word. Renew in me a right spirit. Let the weeping and sadness end. Let there be light and joy once again. In Jesus Name. Amen