Servant of All
Lord, today I'm just so confused. I'm numb now with the confusion. I don't know if I should give up or not. I love him Lord, you know that. But his indecision right now is hurting me, almost killing me inside Lord. How can I continue to tolerate this? What do I do Lord? Help me. If him and I are meant to be in accordance to your Word Lord, then make it happen today! Have him contact me! Take him to my party Friday, bring him to therapy Friday. Lord, if he doesn't go out of his way to contact me or to see me by Friday Lord, then I will officially give up. If it be your will or not, I will give up. I'm tired of being dragged around, beaten, hurt, broken, and confused. I don't deserve this treatment! Even IF it truly is your will for KGT and I to be together, I can't wait much longer Lord. I'm so SO hurt. He just keeps hurting me. Whatever needs to happen Lord, Make it happen now. I'm weak, and I am hurt. I feel as if all my bones are broken, and my heart is barely working. Whatever must come to pass regarding this, make it pass. I pray that KGT comes around and says he wants to be with me, then actually follows through with it. But if not, it's his loss Lord. I need to feel your presence, I need to know your plan for me and this situation Lord. What am I fighting for now? What is the purpose of all this suffering? How can I continue to tolerate this pain and agony?! I'm seriously doubting your call for me to marriage. I feel it will never happen now. Help me to accept that I will be single for the remainder or my days, help me accept that I will never be a mother of my own children. Help me to learn to live this way, since there is now no hope for marriage or a family of my own for me now. Lord, do whatever you must for me and my life. Just... don't keep hurting me like this. Please. I love him, but what's the point Lord if you're not reuniting us? I am giving up on love.