Beloved of All
Lord thnk oyu for your helaign touches Priase report: thnak you Lord Jeus Chirst for oyur helaign touches on my teeth. thank you that he neighbour os dpoign the roof. Lor dplease make him come at the best tiem for btoh of us today and pelase let the meetign go smooth. Lor dhelp me be exceleltn help to all today and please heal me of all blood suagr dehydrations issues.pelas ehal mymoms moods and brign helaign to her heart and pelas ehla my bgrandma form dementia her bowels thanky ouf or the exclelent bowel monevment.sLor dpelase let me and B knwo if oyu want u to eb husband and wife joined by you Chirst let us both know today. also hel me look tlak excleltn and dleiver me form alld emosn and also him. I pray YOu help himLord iwht lal thigns giv ehim a merry heart today and always otuch him where he needs healign and ldieve rhimf orm smokign alchhaul and ungodly ties.dleive rhimform witshc craft. Lord pelase do alliny our powe rot help me iwht my taks today clenaign adn also do alliny ourpower to help me do YOur WIll.force us all to do oyur IWlltoda.y MAy oyur WIl be may we see your glory and may oyu protect all peoel form accidentends calamities miscommunciaiton abuse death.dleive rus form all satanic powers pleas end allpwars. pleas ebless Isreal with peace and may there be peac ien Jerusalem.pelase give lal peopel wisodm guide dby oyur hoyl spirit concenrign althigns.Lord join me with the man i was made for and out of HIs rib and let us both know oyu have joined ocutnerfeit husband,.spelas reprotect my marriage deivnely Lord and may we make our marriga emost honourbale baove lal.pleas eprovide my husband wisdom and may i eb most sttractive woman and may he find all others dulla ndmay he knwo always see em as his bride and may i always see CHirs itn my husband. Lor dwhoever He is guid eHImw ith oyur hOly spirit protect him our respective fmailies and our fmaiyl unit form evil.provide the helaign and surorund him with oyu r presnce always. Please refrehs hima nd restor ehis life .may He truly be happy and never bored wiht me and vice very. Lor dplease help me also ocmmunciate and ge the garbage bag thign sorted out.protect me an dlalpeopelf orm coorna virus. help the patikus peopel.pleas hela my grandma giv eher merry heart exclelnt bloos pressure.pelase Lord help me clean SUper quick super easy. no stess or anxiety and pelase dont el tme be stupic today. hela my mom in eevry way.deiver her ofrm allbitterness adn may she has a huge mircousl encounter wiht you Lord Jeus Chirs.tplease lor dhela mymothe ran dmymgrandm amy da and brothe r.dleiver VIliek for all eivl and pleas ehal B teeth and lal dentla flehs. hela my pancreas hela me of dibet isnsipiuds and my grandm atoo and hela us of type 1 diabete.spleas eotuh and restore my lif elOr.dleiver em form all fear pelase guide me Lor dgo befor eme and be with em guide my htoughts actiosn words and dot he same for allpeoel. pelas elet me helar onyl what oyu want em to think what oyu want me to and do what oy want em todo.YOuWIll be doen,.pelase provide socks and pelase helpw tih cleanign glass...brushign my teeth sttrenghtne me for the tasks that i need to do thanky ouLor dinthenameof the Lor djeus Chirst name.pelase dleiver lalpeopel from sicknes sin hosptial in all the world.pelas eend all wars everywhere. have emrcy on my sisn Lor dguid ee help me and do the smae for B and all peopel thnak youLord Jeus Christ.touchmy Grandma with oyur love Lord. pelas ehal her strenghten ehr.may yhe and all peoel feel your me seek your Will OYur Kingdoma dn trust YOu Lrod. dont let my feelign s rule ofer emhelp B wiht the roof nd all that oyu want HIm to help us wiht bless him.ehlp HIm get bags if oyu are willigntlocuh him with oyu rhelaign favour belssign and abundant life and same wiht my parents grandma brothe rhis wife an daln her fmaiyl and lalpeoel. pela shelp hoems lesickk peoel pelase ressurec the dead hela the sick ressurec tteeht organs and bodies like never before accoridng ot oyur IWll Lord as accoridng to you R HOly spirit.thanky ou Lord for the gifdt of eternla life. int henamoe fthe Lord Jeus Chirst ipray.