Humble Servant
Lord there are so many needs of your people. You are all consuming God. You are all powerful. So we ask you Dear Lord Jesus to take these requests and please bless your people. We praise you for you are God. We humbly come to you and ask that you comfort where it is needed, you offer peace where needed, you give guidance and strength and courage where needed, we ask you to hold our hearts tight Lord. We give you our families and loved ones that do not know you and ask you to draw them unto yourself. Help us to not play God but make our requests unto you Dear Lord. You make all things beautiful in your time. Make our families beautiful Lord. Break those chains that are upon them and snatch them from the enemies claws Lord. Keep them and protect them and allow your miracles to occur so that others will rejoice and come to know you thru the testimony. We need you Dear God we need You.. We cannot do it without You Dear God.... AMEN Praise the Lord and thank you Jesus for your love.