Beloved of All
pleas pray of rgir in accieednt so that she can breaht on ehr own and recover by th epowe rof Gods Holy spirit itn he naemfot he Lord jue sChirs tand that her hand heals and they dont amputate.Lord guide all those in hsopital always force htem to do what YOu want to do by the powe rof oyur hOly spirit. Lor dpelase dleive rus all form all evil flehs eaitng bacteria. have mercy Lor idn my sisn.. Lord thanky ou for wakign em up with morngin and the healign oyu have given me these past few weeks i ask that oyu pelas eofrgiv emy sisn. dleive rme form coronaphobia forever soemhow.. and please heal my randma from all sickness and disease please heal all family memebrs and dleiv urs form al evil please . please Lor di owudl liek a bti mroe peace im exhausted. pelase provide me with clothes esay wash .pelas eprovide us a wahsign machien and a dryer. forgiv emy sisn .pelas eprovide direction. if oyu want me to wahs by hand that sifne. pelas egiv eme enough energy to clena house car efor my grandma do all the order smy mom asks and help her. heal her back lower torso hela my my grandma. heal all peopel. please hela :::. please if oyu are willign provideme a husbadn who loves me so mcuh and owuld gladly giv ehis life up for me. liek Chirst and vice versa. i pray you giv eme direction sconcenring all areas of my life includign fmaily relationshsips communication how to clena th ehouse how to clena grandma how to take care of my self. how to care fo rmy teeth. pelas hela al peopels theeth gums dental flesh and dleive rlal peopel form cancer diabete diaebtes. pelas ehal my dad form all circulation flehs eaitng bacteria isulin instbaility. give him exceleltn weight execeeledn stogn boens. i pelase the Holy blood upon all people . pelase hela my grandma help em feed her the right food. pelase deliver me form dehydration type 1 diabetes kidney disease. pelas ehal my grandma brian please hal all peopels brins. Lor dplease giv eme strenght motivatinion to take car eof my smyself and the popele aorudn me. please make my tiem hear enjoyabel. thank you for oyur healign touches. i am so glad you hav enever lef sorr yi ahve faield you. show me areas wehre i need to repent.. please reveal yourself strogner then ever to all poeple. if oyu have nd earthhusband i was made to be a help mate for tel me who this man is. i pray you make our union holy matrimony soemhtign oyu loud and clearly ordained for me and th ehusband you mad eme for out of his won rib. please make us equally yoked follower sof chris.t pelase keep my husadn his sid eof fmaiyl safe form evil doers dleiverance form all bad habits al ungodly thigns and peopel that coudl lead himt o sin or sin agaisnt him i pray htis fo rlal peopel. pelas ebels smy parents. reoccniel them by the powe rof oyu rHoyl spriti. what God has joined togehter let no man put asundr., Lor dif oyu have joien dmy parents otgether please reocnciel them wiht the powe rof oyur Hoyl spirit an dHoyl blood. pleas help my dad be the manthat my mom needs and myymom the helpmat emy dad needs. pelase hela their marriage.. heal their brians neurlogically chnmically emotionally. make them equally youke din every way. Lord YOur will eb done i place my parents thie rlive siny our hands. may oyu Will be doen int heir lives and please dliever themform everyhtign that could possibly be int he way of them serving oyu forever Lord Jeus Chirsr. pleas efogiv eme for dishonourign them.. help me to obey them in all thigns in the Lord. tell me more about this Lord. i wanan serve oyu. im doen serving satan. pelase dleive rme form al satniacn bodnage by the powe rof Chirst pleas eod this for my husband form the Lord. whoever H eis always tel him houch I love him whoever H eis God.. oly you know. pelase me form al coutnerfeit husbands. tell me who my husbadn is. if its:::: make it clear. Ye sor no. pelase Lord, ive developed feelign forhim.. where those dreams form you Lord???? you knwo wha ti mean.. i am lost. help em to clena. help em to serv eoyu. and help me to depend on you for everyhtign. help em to be strogn and dliever me and all peeopel from temptations. please guide all peopel espeicaly my fmialy wiht oyu rholy spirit. brong oyur salvaitont o all. Lord tel me what tosay exactly when witnessign YOur goodness and your souls saivng ife saivng power Lord Jues Chirs.t i pray for Vilikes salvaion salvaiotn of my parnet smy grandma béla, Gá B, my husband form the Lord hwoever he i s and his sid eof te hf maiyl. i pray tha it may intimately knwo yu better then ever Lord an dplease guide me wiht oyu rHoly spiti keep me in your wil at al itmes adn i pray this also for my fmily and all poepel. belss R for helping me and he rfmialy abudnantly bless my mom dad financially excelelnt ehalth salvaiton in their marriage int heir lives finacially free form tfrom al idols al ungoldy htigns touch them with the powe roh you Hoyl spirit an dhela them emotionally neurlogically phycialyl int heir bodies adn in every way their osuls and bodie sneeds healign i pray htis also for my grndma brothe rand wife their baby my huabdnformt eh Lord, B. pelase deliver B form smokign and drinkign and lal toxic thigns. send chrisitns into HIs life olde rmen who can teahchim the bible. please hela him his heart in every way an dcoughing. pelas ehal mymoms heart heal my grandmas heart Vilikes heart my brothers heart Andis heart . dleive rmy famiyl formt he spirit of neurdeleopmental delays atisms aspergers sns hela my brian too if their is anyhtgn workg. pelase dlieve rme form lyme disease type 1 diabtetes all dehydration dleive rme form cnacer tumours and pelase do the sma efor my grandma. dleive rmy grandma form aall garabg ein her veins and arteries and body and same fwith my fmaily and dleiver us al form felsh eaitng bacteria. pelas eprotec tmy entire fmaily blodo lien all poeplre from evil. dleive rus form al eivl Lord an dhelp us repent easily. expose the devils lies ot us all an dlet none fall victim tot he devils trapy. dleive rme form all counterfeit spirit so fhte Hoyl spiits. dleive rme form al ungodly dsesires Lord and pelase od the same for all peopel. Please guide us. make mus al oyur peope Lord Jeus Chirs thav emercy and help me repent. pelas ehlp with the futár mask.. im tired. help me to thign giving me desire to open the right door so i can tlak to the futár about chris.t pelas heal Vilkes brian Lord and delive rhimf orm all eivl and evil doers. pelas ebles shim all our fmialy richly. guide amy brother and Andi and dad and mom and Grandé by th epowe rof the holy spirit at la times. pelas eprovieee us need.s pelase Lor dofrgiv em with the sok mosás. ... tlka ot me mroe baouthis wim exahused need the proper euipment.pelase 110% dliever this world form coronavirus form all viruses plagues disasters peas estop fired Lor.d pelas eprotect lal poepel form accident s calmities death destruciton. send trillinfo of holy angel sot protect us form the deivl at all theiems Lord. prepare us Lord for oyur ocmign.. and may we hear oyu viovce and always obey.Lord pleas etell mehow cna i hear oyur voice .. pleas htnak you if oyu are willign pelase sne dosmeont o fix this washer dryer.. but pleas ele tme knwo what to do and my mom too abotu our clothes. im sorry fo rmy sisn . i please the hOly blood of the Lord Jeus Chirst. help me to repent. of all eivl and always guard my heart and my tongue and thoguhts let me always tigngood of other and enver evil. help me Lord in thenameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirs ti pray.