The Woman
Prayer Warrior
Father I hope to become as innocent as a child, while maintaining and understanding the thought processes of the mind of Christ Jesus! Please make the two become one! I hope to know longer see through a glass, darkly; but able to see face to face with you: May I see even as I am known of you; may I abide in faith, hope, and charity with you! May I no longer speak in baby talk, let there be knowledge, and may it never vanish away. May I continue to bear all things, believe all good things, hope all good things, endure all things and rejoice in your truth! May I no longer behave myself unseemly, and learn to seek my own from you, through prayers. May I not be easily provoked, nor think no evil, But pray through the persecution! I pray and hope to continue my journey with you and not to sufferer. I hope and pray I can continue to bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and help those in need, so that everyone can profit. I pray for gifts of prophecy, and understand of all mysteries, and all the knowledge of Christ Jesus; so that I could remove mountains, of worries doubts and fears! I want to continue helping others in time of need. Please continue providing every need met! May I continue to be a wise woman endued with knowledge; showing out of a good conversation my works with meekness of wisdom. I am desiring more spiritual gifts, to stay fresh within my mind and heart! May I prophesy, with joy, laughter, happiness and play; may all man understand me in the world and in the Spirit Realm; as I speak the mysteries of God. May I prophecy to speak unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort; also to edify myself! I hope to hear a distinction sounds within. I want to be prepare for the battle!
Father please give me the good word to utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, inside the closet of my mind. May I become zealous of spiritual gifts, and (Imaginations) to seek that I may excel to the edifying of the church. May I be able to interpret the mysteries of Christ Jesus. May I sing, imagine and understand with my Spirit Man! May all the good doors be opened and stay open! Please help me Jesus and show me how to occupy my mind to bless with the Spirit, so that I may no longer be unlearned! May I and my Spirit become one to edification. Lord please speak again within my mind! The Mind of Christ! MAY I “HEAR” YOU AGAIN! May the secrets of your heart be made manifest within me; so I may fall down on my face and worship you my God, so that I may report that God is in me of a truth! I pray may Spirit Man will become one within me! May I hear psalms, doctrines, that have tongues of fire, may I have revelations, and have interpretations; may all things be done unto edifying. May I become an interpreter, speaking to myself, unto to God. May the Lord, the Holy Ghost and Father speak to me. May all things be revealed in my heart, mind, soul and gut; even in my imaginations and dreams! Let me learn, and be comforted. Please! Did you not say, Father; YOU are not the author of confusion, but of peace? Please, Lord keep no longer silent: I dedicated my soul unto you. You gave me will to speak! If not I’m asking permission to speak! Let me learn Father, I’m asking and seeking and knocking please open up! I acknowledge that you are the MASTER OF MY HOUSE. YOU ARE THE MIND OF CHRIST! It is a shame for me to waste it! I AM PERSON OF YOU. SPEAK! I acknowledge the things that you say to me and I act upon them! Lord you know I let all things be done decently and in order. I tremendously appreciate what you do for me! THANK YOU! And thanks for allowing me to freely express my feelings and my emotions through this prayer.