Beloved of All
Lord Jesus, I praise, thank and glorify you. As I've been seeking you, you have revealed to me many things. Lord I place ### before your throne of Grace and Mercy asking that you examine his intention as it says in your word you judge the heart, I stand on 1 Samuel 16:7 "Do not judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The LORD doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart", and ask that his motive be revealed to people that need it, standing on Proverbs 16:1-3: "The LORD weighs and examines the motives and intents [of the heart and knows the truth]". Lord this a very delicate situation with this man as there's one of two truths he is not of the right heart and was covered up until now by a tremendous amount of witchcraft, or he is of the right heart and if so I ask that you have him come clean with the monstracities that his immediate family was having him do. Lord if it's the option of he wasn't of the right heart and he was being covered up by extreme witchcraft, I stand on Deuteronomy 18:10-14: Condemns those who practice witchcraft, divination, sorcery, or consult the dead Leviticus 19:31: Instructs people not to seek out mediums or necromancers Leviticus 20:27: States that mediums and necromancers should be put to death by stoning Exodus 22:18: States that sorceresses should not be permitted to live Leviticus 20:6: States that those who turn to mediums and necromancers will be cut off from their people That all occult, witchcraft divinations be dismantled that were covering up his agenda, I bind off all bitterness off of myself and anyone else affected by this possible truth now being revealed, standing on Matthew 18:18. Lord redeem us affected, heal us, restore us, lead each one of us affected to their rescue. I stand on Romans 12:19: "Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, 'Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord'". Lord reveal what his hearts motives and intent have been. Rescue us all from any astray or attack, I stand on Psalm 71 "Rescue me and deliver me in your righteousness; turn your ear to me and save me". Lord vindicate, restore. Lord may your light shine upon us affected, Numbers 6:24-26 “ ' “The LORD bless you and keep ... The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. In Jesus name I pray, and ask. Amen.