Tina, you cannot give way to fear in this anymore. Say that and you will feel it with power! Affirm this over and over again if you must but do not give way and accept negative reinforcements anymore. Fear immediately places God to the outer realms of our conscious thoughts and does not allow him to work through us. Me must search for him through prayer and positive affirmations and not by negative thinking about our situations, no matter how complicated it seems. He cannot talk to us when we let Satan's shadow overwhelm us with demands and decisions. Take all of the power away from the decision to do anything. Tell Satan, No matter what happens, I put my trust in Jesus so get thee behind me. Amen? In Whatever decisions you make, ask God to impart his wisdom and righteous thinking into your conscious thought and he will, but you cannot include fear based thoughts in at the same time otherwise you cancel God out. God is of peace and not confusion remember. So choose whom to listen too. Invite God's angels in to help you, that is what they are there for. He shall give his angel's charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways, and they shall bear thee up in thy hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Psalms 91: 11;12. Remove every old thought that is causing your problem and Bring in silence to your mind. In silence, Ask God to guide your footsteps and to show you the way out of your problem at work. Listen to his voice of reason. He will not answer you with an answer of despair, or within the spirit of haste, that is of the enemy, but only with in the answer of calmness, rational thought, reasoning, sometimes sacrifice, wisdom and understanding. I will pray for you tonight to settle this once and for all. God Bless You. Be at Peace within yourself. No more Confusion K.