LOrd please please help my grandma today with her bowels and breathign. please no obstrucitons in he rbreahtign pleas ie beg you.please deliver her whoel body form all evil sprits. Please Lord helpw itht he caregivign.please no fighting wiht my mother.pelase Lord please give my grandm aan dparents healign.pleas eno more toxic relationship in my famiyl. lease no more abuse form ym mom towards me.please dont allow her to ocntrol me somcuh tha ti am sick Lord. please dont make this a very hard da.y Lor dif the physician comes to see my grandma . pelase guide them with your HOly spirit. Please please pray tha tmy mom doe snot abuse me so mcuh. LOR ID CNANOT HANDLE the bause form my other it prevents me form cairng for my grandma. Pleas ei odnt want to be constantly bothered by my mom about everyhtignim weak tired.a slo need helaign for my grandmas dementia. gastointedstinal problems lack of mobility. I would liek healign of my teeth. mom needs helaign in ehr heart. Lor dpelase please stop the abuse form ym mo. i eeed to wash my hadns i also need to use toielt paper. how do ic are for my granam in suck a toxic environemtnLor dhelp. stopt he abuse. im scared to ocme out of the room caus emy momw ill be mean again ana agin. Pleas ehelp Lord. please i feel so down becaus of the abuse. God make it stop HELP. please help er to obey ur hOyl spirit help er not to complaina nd speak bad thigns.help her Lor ddleive rher formt he deivl. give her a merry heart. please heal my grandma dleiver my grandma form the deil in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.