Prayer Warrior
I Prophecy decree declare into existence Your throne, O Lord, is like a fiery flame 
HOTTTTTT Dan. 7:9 You are the GOD that answers by FIRE
goes before you, O LORD, and burns up YOUR enemies Psalm 97:3 Let the spirits of lust and perversion be destroyed with your FIRE
HOTTTTTT Gen. 19:24 Let your FIRE
protect me my kids family that is a good thing innocents and cover us Exod 14:24 Deliver me my kids family that is a good thing innocents with YOUR FIRE
HOTTTTTT Psalm 18 13 Release the spirit of burning
to burn up the works of darkness Psalm 140:10
Let your flame
burn up wicked spirits Psalm 106:18 Let your FIRE
HOTTTTTT be released in ZION Isa 31:9 Let Babylon be as a stubble and let your FIRE
HOTTTTTT burn them. Let them not be able to deliver themselves from the power of the
HOTTTTTT FLAME Isa 47:14 LORD, come and REBUKE YOUR enemies with
Isa 66:15 I release YOUR SHARP
arrows bow
into the Heart
of the KINGS enemies Psalm 45 5 Send out your arrows
and scatter the enemy Psalm 18 14 Shoot out YOUR arrows
and destroy them Psalm 144:6 Send your arrows
abroad Psalm 77 17 Send out arrows
into the KINGDOM of Darkness Hab 3 11 Break their bones pierce them through with YOUR arrows
Num 24 8 Set YOUR Mark
upon my my kids family that is a good thing innocents for your arrows
Lam 3 12 Shoot YOUR arrows
upon them let them be wounded suddenlyPsalm 64:7 let my arrows fly they are not cheap they don't miss they don't go backwards either!!!! Bind these verse to me my kids family that is a good thing innocents husband's that is a good thing not Anthony Ferguson teeth get my prayers back energy DNA
SiGNATURES based Iam my kids family that is a good thing innocents are redeemed from the curse of law Gal 3 13 Deut 28 13 TAILED never again will I my kids family that is a good thing innocents be the tail not the HEAD
there name now is Tail period permanently Egypt Byeeeee bring in the light the truth then I get a shower
a place to live room for rent furnished smells immediately,razors, mouthwash even dollar store needs bankruptcy for the SUV accepted by my lawyer then let BOAZ hit
more blessings hearts desires let it be easy for the people to provide for me Lizzy has her energy no has any of our good vibessssssssszzzzzzz DNA signatures period permanently Egypt byeeeeeee for the weird followers let them hit
Psalm 5:12 SHIELD
is up they are not FAVORED of the LORD let everyone be able to be near me with no drama no stagnation no blocking locking out cursing us let it hit
them instead. Let them have NO GPS dimensions No domain GPS no dominion only there own corndog dominion give everyone back our Prayers energy DNA signatures period permanently Dominion God gave us then let the weirdos way to wicked to be alive have no GRACE no soul access no soul mate fun absolutely no orgasm energy they cannot have there fun to steal kill destroy all day hit
My family and I that's a good thing innocent
innocents are blessed coming in and going out Deut 28 6 FOREVER
not the evil people no attraction
of any kind God hates them let them have back there setback out of everyone's movements air quality JOY of the LORD. Let no one have our keys period permanently Egypt byeeeeeee Narrator byeeeeeee shame will be there name instead for there wicked ways forever
. Bring them all to the Light 
weapons Isaiah 54 17 Die you are hated by GOd Almighty the creator you made his people a JOKE now your the talk
of the town and we have our air dreams come true energy DNA
SiGNATURES based kick
the wall
according to God's will let my prayers be answered a home
here and New Zealand house boat
kayak safety
for my life
my kids family that is a good thing innocents Bring in the 
Rain as much as needed to wash them out and then Neh 13 2 Turn every curse sent my way my family that is a good thing my kids innocents into a blessing forever don't let them get away with stealing blocking locking out ever again let them be seen by everyone dark black magic shields down
all there Harry Potter wanna b evil down
now Deut 28 13 TAILED forever
all the way from the spiritual to the physical stat Hebrews 4 12 Quick and powerful sharper than any two edged sword
piercing even into the deepest of marrow bones now bind these prayers to me my kids family that is a good thing innocents BOAZ'S Mexican 

husbands God tried to give me bring in the truth please I get a husband now not by myself everyone can be near me my kids my family that is a good thing innocents breathe near me in peace be happy send back there prayers of evil harry potter wanna b Psalm 79:12 Wear your evil prayers X3 so I know who it is and others for our safety
no one wants u has sex with u no soul mates your evil and cruel killers of children Marriages seniors pets etc in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen