Beloved of All
Lor dpelase eb wiht mymom and the dentist pelase odnt lalow dentist to make mistma eor be mena ot mymom. epelas eLor dsurorund mymom with oyur lovign holy angels at lal tiem asnd the dneits too my grnamd dad also andall who need oyur helaign and salvaiton. guid emewiht oyu rholy spirit as well. guide the dentist with oyur holy spirit only heairgn oyur voice Lord. Lor dmay your glroy and presence withbe their at the denits toffice every secon. no evil towards mym om brign heaoign healign to my mom. pelas ebelss her at the appointment do alinyourpowee to heal her giv ehe rnew teeht gums heal my moms teeth new gums teeth grownign inehr mouth now and removal of all fog köveg no mre tartar ehlaign mrialce at th edneits toffice for the prias eof our Lord Jeus Chirs ti ask you heal her een rifh nowpelas enw gums neew teeht new boen sne jaw new mouth priaseing the lord Jeus Chir si cast out allevil spiits form ehr mouth and the outf the dneitst and whoever is workign wiht mymom. please Hoyl spirit and fire upon my mom adn the peopel. may oyur Glro yshien Lord . ipraise you for miracle new sharp teeth new gusm new boens formy mother plese heal her by yourstripes he is healed aksign for wisodm to mymom and thoese workign wiht he raskign for new gums new teeth new jawsor he rand all who need dentla miracles. prais ebe to the Lord Jeus Christ. prais ereport: even now i feel oyur helaign in my jaws thank yuLord. ehla my grnamda so she cna eat and drinkw ith ease no pain disocmefor art heailgin ofsmall bwoel obstruciotn syndorme healing aof hernia healign of anythign out aof alignemtn and form digestive issues. icast the enemy otu of her bwoels and body. i cas teh dneenmy out of my mos mouth bowels brian asperger sbe helaign. whatver and whoeve rneed shelaign be heale din thenameo fthe Lord jeus chirs ti cas tout all evil anducnlena spirist out of all peole. int henameo fthe Lor dJeus Chirs.t praise to the Lord. our Great Physician. Lro dbe my mosm dentis totday. and dleive rmy mom and the dentist and assitanas hygenesist form alleivl. i peladyour holy blodo upont he whole everoyne at the dentists offic eeveryhwere be the their eye shands and body. like that physican int henamoe fthe Lor djue shcirs it pray this fo my moma dn for lal peole and dad oto pleas ebrign helaign helaign helaign by oyur hoyl spirit for my parent stetth issue sno eivl no weapon formed i pelad oyur hly blodo every sencond she is at eh appointment Hoyl PSirit dleive rher form the deivl 100% . may my mom experience love healingpowe rof oru Lor dJeu Chirs there and the peopel ther.e us emy momf or oyur glro yLor dhela hela for only you cna hela and save all those i ask you save . may al speka wiht wisodm and hav ehearts iwhtudnerstniang. iperay for deivne Hoy angels ot helamym oms motuh in fornt of the dentist. I need oyu supernautral helaign powr form your hands Lord hoyl spirit dna dfire on all peoel tda.y halign myom mirauclsuly helaignfohermotuh with witnessesi ask this itn henameof hte lor djue schirst. Lor dbe with ymmom so storngly our glroy that there see an dknwos tha the Lord Jue sChirs its the Grea tphsician Lord and Saivor of all no evil form anyone towars ymymothe ri plad the holy blood of the Lord Jeus Chirst. on her an dlal peoepl. Askign for the biggestmiracl epossible in my moms motuh rihg tnow int henameo fhte lor djues Chirst in the name of the Lor dJeus chirs tnew teeth ressurected new gums new bones all rottenenss bittenerleave what ever diried her muth leave forever i cas otut all root of bittners and cursshe dspirit out of her and l lpeoel i pelad your hOly blood upon this request ai hask for oyu rmight helaign miracle and dleiverance form all evil in my mombody and helaht and midnset and her hwole beign be filled with the power of the Hoyl spitiing every cell be heale idn thenameo fhte lord Jues HCirs tmighty big miralces fill m y moms mouth wiht Grea thitgn sLor dby oyur hands by your power OYu ar ehe rcreator all fglry oges ot you Lord. i prais eoyu and no weapon no evil towrds my mon not even a htoguht gusard her wiht yolu holy loivng miralc eangels surroudn ehr n dprotec ther wiht oyur Hoyl blood and lsa those htre and all patienties everywhwre be healed and rssureted and forgiven by out Lord Jeus HCirs thOly blood. for oyu rglroy make oyur hand dentis thands and those workign wiht my mom onyl your hands your words your toguhts present at he appointment lor dpelase thnak yu
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