Beloved of All
Lord please hal Schneider VIlmosné form demtnia, dehydration malnutrition muscle atrophy issues. please give her new muscles strong muscles giver her the baility to have proper bowel movments wihtout bockages trapped gas and waste.please giv eher excelelnt sphincte rmuscles. please give her livign waters in all her flehs please Lord Jeus chirst. please hela her for oyur glory. please also deliver her form flesh eatign bacteri and deliver her compeltley form the enemy by th e powe rof the Hoyl spirit. pelase giv eme the strgnth motivation and joy while carign for her. help me to also care for my mother. hep my mother in every way please dleiver her form al unclena spirits. please also hela her of osteoporosis and heal my dad of osteopporosis and form gout form all flehs eatign bacteria insulin problems. please help him lose excess wait bloatign . pelase make sure my parents and fmaily do not eat junk and please remove all junk form my fmailies bodies all unliean spirits al fleash eating bacteria out of my entire fmaily blood line. pelase heal Vilike . protect him and hela him of autism . Lord i feel overwhelemd with worry. pelase hal me of type 1 diabetes and dleiver me and my fmaiyl formresntment bitterness hopelessness. pelase have mercy and brign healign to al my fmamily memebrs. pelase lord i beg oyu please hela me of diabetes insipidus. please also provide for al my emotional needs and need love too. please provide my fmialy wiht the love fromYou God. Lord i feel so drained please provid eme with my own husband and please provide for al him need sheal him restore him and whoever he is let brign me and my true husbandint he Lord to be united as man and wife. Lord please imrporve the quality of the live sof my fmaily memebers and bring salvaitona dn helaign where it is needed. Lor daskign you pelase me closer to me thanever and la my fmaily members. pleas elt us be happy . please please dleive rme form resentment diasspointment and al these negativ emotions. do the same for all people and please make my life a lif ei want to live. pelase do this for al people. pelase take care of my Lord take car eof my body and my mind emotions and take hold of my thoguhts hodl of my body hodl of my life in a very strogn a nd powerful weay. dleiver me form hopelessnes guilt. contst ocd and add and all ngative things in my mind. pelase heal my heart. heal the hearts of all my fmialy mmebrs. brign helaign restoraiton to out hearts. pelase mend all broken hearts and dleiver us all form everythign that has defiled us becaus eof whatever bad that came form ortu hearts. pelase Lord and avior do this for all peopel heal our hearts bidn up our wounds forgiv eour sins.... lord ave me form my sins and give me a wonderful life. please do this for my spous eint he Lord and my whole fmaily and His family. create clean hearts for us all wash us in your holy blood. if ______________ is my husband make it clear to me also make it clear to me if He is not my husband but conterfeit. show me who my true husbandis Lord and show him me as His true wife. only . No strange marriage or children or anyhtign for me and my famiy. please also help my brothe rand his wife. hela them in every way mentally physically emotionally mature them develope the and al my fmaiyl memebrs too in every way make us matur ein Chirst and my husband whoever he is and his fmaily too. mature us mentally spiritually emotionally... giv ym entire fmialy blodlin e and all peopel maturity in Chirst. help us hear yur voice do YOur Will Lord. pela eprotect la my fmaily my husband an dhis family form danger calamities accidents and do all iny our power to destroy the works of the enemy in our lives by the power of the holy spirt.Lord rule over me and my fmaily with Your Headhsip and restore us heal our relationshsips and rscue us form our sisn and lead us not into dtemptation but deliver us form all evil at al times. please pour out your Holy spirit on all flesh today. please dleiver all people form sickness and disease miraculously by the stripe ofthe Lord Jeus Cirst for His praise and glory. please remove tatrtar and and heal my teeth and my fmaily all their teeth. giv eus wisdom with our words actions and thoguhts take control ove rus Lord Jesu Chris tforce us to obey you walk wiht us tlak with us guide us and elad us int he way of Everlasitgn . Lord i am weary.. thirsty.. please giv em and my fmialy flivign waters .pelase in the name of the Lord Jesus Chirst. thank YOu Lord all praise and Honour and Glor yis Yours forever. help em to clena the house clena my grandma clena and pelas ehela my mom in every way.. Lor dbe wiht me and hela all the eldelry of dementia alzaihmers.. hela all who has aspergers autism kidney disease diabetes insipidues and also brian damage pelas ehal all organs of all people . please heal my kidneys dleiver me form cncer tumors help me to obey my parent isn al thigns..Lord growing weary........... stregnthen me pelase giv eme the joy YOu want em to have for me and my f whoel fmaiyl and all peopel too. protect al peopel form accidents protect al peopel form death from follishness and put a guard over my heart an dmoth at al times and do the same for all peopel . giv em wisdom giv eme wisdom in allareas of my my life and and and obedient heart please giv eme a d clean merr yobedient heart at all times toward OYu Lord and very merry heart giv eme at all times. please do this for lalpeople. Please elt la pweople doyour Will dotday. please remove all evil spirits form this world. help us to do YOur Wil and all praise Glory and Honour goe to You everlasitgn Fatehr. thnaky ou for the Lord Jeus Chirst thank you for His faiht that save sus and gives us eternal life. pelase help me take take of thebody you gav eme giv eme great eisodm hwo to take care of my body and my family too. giv eus everyhtign we need to be happy healthy whole in Chirst and not lackign anythign becuase the Lord Jeus Chirs tis our God and Savior .i pray this for allpeople. please also miraucloulsy heal all who have cancer. remove every sevil spirit of cancer out of every person please remove all flesh eatign bacteri aot of every person. please dleiver all poeplfrom al eunclena spirits please let no one be defiled form bitterness or other unclean spirits. please dleive rus form all unclean spirits and forgive us oru sins. pelase remove all unclean tormatint spirits form my life forever by YOu Holy blood Lord Jeus Chirst please do the same for lal people. pelase let no one starve no more fmaine evne of your word. pelase no mroe coivd pelase no more addictions or disobedience to OYu. send trillions of holy angels ot all peopel to minister your Gospel of immotrlity save all suls and may all peopel live ot serve YOur Lord Jeus Chirst. pelase becoem my everythignLord Jesu Chirst my greated desire an dmy greatest joy. please help us all to have this relationship with OYu Lord and protect us all form the enemy. in thename o fthe Lord Jeus Chirs ti pray. thanky ui Lord for your healign touches I prais eand give you thanks and prais eand glroy is alla llyours.