Beloved of All
LORD please brign Gábor Bácsi back to life for your glory. IN the name of Jesus Christ I pray. All gloryí and honour andpraise to YOu LORD Jesus Christ. Please agree with me in prayer brothers and sisters in Christ in faith that this request will be ansered with a Yes from our LORD. Please Heveanly Father and the LORD Jesus Christ. Please for your glory I ask In the name of the LORD Jesus Christ that You Holy Heavenly Father raise My granduncle Schneider Gábor by the blood of YOUR Son and int HIs name, OUr LORD Jesus Christ. FOR your Glory. For Your purposes. Please I ask this of YOu father in Jesus Christ name. Please brothers and sisters in Christ pray with me in agrrement to our Heavenly Father to grant this request of raiseing My granduncle Schneider Gábor formt he dead just as the LORD did this for Lazurus. Ipray this be done tonight or as soon as possible. I pray that I will see and talk with my granduncle again. For the Glory of the LORD our Heavenly Father and the LORD Jesus Christ. I praise YOu LORD for hearing me in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. I pray this will be a testimony to YOu that YOu LORd do rais epoeple formt he dead .. even her eon earth by the power of YOur Son our LORd and Saviour Jesus Christ. MAy mayn coem to Know YOur LORD through this miracle that I ask you do of rasing Gábor Bácsi frmt eh dead. For YOurglory and by YOur power. LORD . Please do with through Your Word. Through the lORD Jesus Christ. Please giv eme Faith that YOu will do this in Jesus Christ name. Thanyk YOu Father. Thaynk YOu and please help all on this site. LORd Jesus please save all who come on this iste LORd please heal allthose who are sick, all our fmaily mbers and loved ones, raise those who are spirutally lost to know you LORD. Please do not elt naything inthis world distract up or mislead us. Please deliver us form all evil and our loved ones too. Please LORd prolongue our lives and give us salvation and belive in YOur SOn the LORD Jesus Christ. please touch us in any area of unbelief towrds you or any area where our hearts have been hardned. Help us all hear your voice tonight and hearkenonto your commands with joy. Help us to kNow YOu LORd. help us who ar espiritually blind to see YOu LORd. Please draw near to us. hanyk YOu Jesus. Please raise the dead in Jesus Chris tname. For YOur glory. LORd please reveal yourself and your WIll for our lives. Help us. Thanky YOu for YOur Son, the LORd Jesus Christ. Pleasehelp us allont his site. please comfortthose hwo mourn. Please protect my fmaily from all evil. pelase keep us safe, warm, and sheltered formt he cold for oyur glory. Please touch our hearts heal us by the stripes and blood of your LORd Jesus Chirst. I praise YOu. Help me to worship YOu in spirit andin truth. Please please i need YOu Jesus please resurrect Schenieder Gábor and brignhim back to his fmaily here on earth. Please LORd please giv eme the faiht that you will do this in Jesus Christ name. Please LORd do whatever it takes to raise Schneider Gábor back formt he dead even her eon earth in tht ename of the LORd Jesus Christ for YOUR puposes and for YOUR glory. LORD all prais eHOnour, thanks all of it to YOu almignhty God . Please I pray YOu do raise Schnider Gábor formt he dead as YOu did for Lázárus. In the name of Jesus Christ Schneider Gábor come forth come bakc to life her eon earth. Come forth and may it be known that the LORD Jesus Christ had resurrected you formt eh dead and that the LORd God almighty has put your spirit and soul bakc into yourbody by the power of the Holy Spirit. May all be praise the LORd for HIs glory. May mayn as aresult of this miracle ocme to know that The LORD Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world and He is the way, the truth and the life. May many be converted as a result For our Heavenly Father whom is glorified in the SOn, the LORd Jesus Christ. please pray to our Hevaenly Fathe irn agreement to rais emy grandunlce fromt eh dead. Schneider Gábor come for int he name of Jesus Christ and may your entire being come back to life.. your heart beat, your voise, your brain cells. Every cell of your body come bakc to life right now int he name of the LORD Jesus Christ. I ask this int he name of th eLORD Jesus Christ that our Heavely Father will be glorified through HIs son the LORd Jesus Christ. I pray thi sin Faith and LORd if there is any ounc eof unbelief of receiving this request.. change it by YOur power . by Your Holy spirit and may I recieve what I have asked for in prayer, that YOur raise Schneider Gábor formt eh dead and formt he spirit of death even her eon earth for YOu glory for your hOnour for your praise For YOU . I worship YOu LORd for htis miracle. May many coem to know YOur Son , the LORd Jesus Christ as a result of raising schneider Gábor formt he dead. I want no glory, no honour. I pray YOU please rais eHIm fromt eh dead For Solely YOur glory Heavenly Father. In Jesus Christ name. Please do this tongiht. Please giv eme faiht you will do this. please. please. thanky you allf or agreeing wiht me in prayer in Jesus Christ name. Thanyk YOu all and I love oyu all in Christ Jesus Our LORD