Beloved of All
Lord pleas eprotec tmy fmialy frmall evil heal my grandma form dementia and all type diabete sleav eme and her and all types of diabete sleav emy fmialy forever.Lor dpleas dleive rmy brother form all dehydration teeth problems be heale idn family and all depresisona nxiety leave. also please heal my grandma form small bowel obstrucitons syndroem my dad sheart valv ehela my mom of aspergery syndorm and hela my uncle oneurlogically provid ebest care for him. Lor dsuorund us wiht oyu rfavior dleive urs form all ucnlean spirits thank you for your healing. Please pelas eldive rme form all diabetes mental illnesnes discontentment iwht my lif ean dlstign after hwich i hav enot. if oyu ar eiwllign pelas eprovid efor me a mriacle husbanfrmom God who truly loves ME and woudl love me forever int enameof the lOr dJeus CHirst and vic evesa I aks tha the Lor doe shtis by his holy spirit and the Lor dprovide smy parents reconcilation in marriage and helaign throguh CHirst accoridng to HIs perfect will. Lor di ask you pelas eod all in you r power ot giv em a miracle husnbadn i really want my own husband. pelas eosmoen who puts our marriage put sme above everyhtign else except God an di dotn have to fiht for his attention sosmoen who can provid eand protect me and pleasure to love and submit to.. soemoen who love sme unconditionally and vice cversa. pelas perotect his man form all evil. pelas egiv ehim your salvaiton and pelas heal hi srestore hima nd provid eofr his need sin everywa.pelas emake us have a n exceleltn communciaiotn devine connection that we cna read each others minds. Pelas eLord aksign for amiracl ehusband by yours hand sLor dthnak yu thnak you