Good and Faithful Servant
Lord, my Rock and Redeemer, thank you that you are my ever-present help in times of trouble. You have promised that you have plans and a purpose for me, plans to prosper me not to harm me. Hear my prayer for special favor and listen to my intentions that I bring before you today. May the love of the Father, the tenderness of the Son, and the presence of the Spirit, gladden my heart and bring peace to my soul, today and for all days. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Compassionate Power Novena Prayer
Wonderful Counselor, thank you that you can satisfy my every desire and need. You have said that my faith will never be put to shame when my trust is in you. I declare your compassion and power as I state my particular intention before you now. Hear my prayer. Let the majesty of the Father be the light that guides me, the compassion of the Son be the love that inspires me and the presence of the Spirit be the strength that empowers me. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.