Beloved of All
Lord lord your words say ask ask and I will recieve I ask you please please no no no more dissappoitments please please lord with any photographes videis that are taken of me please lord that I need to delete hate feel very verh insecure about no no more please lord in jesus christ name I ask you please please bless bless make me please please include incredibly awsomkwy amazing outstandly sooo very very poor please lord in absolutely every single way there is to be photogenic in all every single all every photographes videos selfies snap chat photograohes snap chat videos watsapp videos fave time videos absolutely every single all every photographes taken of ne at all times in all places with every all lighting every single all every cameras videis cheap cameras expensive cameras every cameras alot alot alot better please lord than every single all every filters without any filters at all that I am truly truly incredibly blown away amazed overwhelmed with include incredibly joy right now always please lord in jesus christ name I ask you please please lord renew restore my whole hair whole skin under eyes beauty confidence e youth incredibly health blood in every single way part of me right now please incredibly in jesus christ namess I ask you please please please lord bless make me everh single part of me please please lord look incredibly awsome in every single way incredibly beautiful in every single way incredibly stunning incredibly sexy incredibly glourious incredibly young include youthful include ageless incredibly amazing outstanding include phanomanal incredibly drop dead geourgeous include breathtaking out out of this world please please lord in every single way part of me with make up without any make up no matter what I wear in every all lighting places alot alot please please lord alot allt better please please lord than every single all every filters without absolutely any filters at all please please lord alot alot alot better than all every girl women on face book instagraham that I have admired for years days months right now always every single time that I never ever in any way nedd to hate delete feel insecure about right now always I cover cover all absolutely all every photographes videis taken of me with the blood of jesus in jesus christ namess please please lord ierfotm miracles and wonders for me now in every way I ask you please please please lord exeed exeed exeed super seed please please every single one of my prayers request expectations request desires right now always even before I ask please lord increase my faith trust in you incredibly abundant now please lord in jesus christ namess