Faithful Servant
Lord just help me get the job at the american eye center today. Please touch the heart of the interviewer and the examiner to be merciful and gracious enough to accept me. Please help me to be wise and humble enough with my answers. I cannot do this alone but You know this is what I really want to do to hone my skills better in order to help people better. Help me to train well to inprove my skills and be of service to the people in the future. Please help me to be a better doctor. Help me to retain my job at ever eyewear so I can still reach out and help the poor with the best care that I can while working and training hard at the american eye center. Lord, you know my heart You've always known that I like to help the helpless ones but I am not good enough nor skilled enough to be of help so please allow me to be trained by the best. And as of now that is Amerucan Eye Center for me. I know that You will open a way for me to be able to retain workung at ever eyewear or anywhere else where I can volunteer to help save or improve eye sight for the small people of the community. This I pray in Jesus name amen.