Beloved of All
Lord Join me with the flesh of my flesh b oen and bone and let US recognize eachoter as husband and wife int he Lord Jesus Christ. have best communcation ever. no coutnerfeit husband no satnic spirit husband . Lord oyu knwo what i ean. the tue Husband form the Lor dplease giv eto me Lord Jeus chirst accoridng to OYur Will. LORD tell m e strongly LOUDLY CLEARLY YOur voice Lord with confirmation after confirmation no confusion at all who you want me to marry and do the same for my husband. tell us both that YOU Lord want us to be married accordign to Your Holy WIll and opurpose join me witht he Real adam and I am His eve without any doubt without any confusion ALL by the power of the Holy spirit! LORd pleas ein the name fot he Lord Jesus Chris ti pray. accordign to your Will. Keep us Holy and pure faithful to one antoher with the love of Go din us toward each other. a love that is form God+ int he name of the Lord Jeus Christ. Lord if it is You know Who let me know . If it s NOT your know Who let me know too. Let your Holy and perfect Will be be doen prepar eus for each other and for your Work and protect us form all evil evil doer and all manen rof evil and our fmailies too. int he name of th eLord Jeus Christ. I pray YOu make us equally yoked and btoh christian and both perfectly suitable for each r no insecurities. pure raw deine love form heaven. form god. thank you Lord. le tnothign coem between us no devil witsch craft evil doer nothign at all. Lord do allin your power to brign me and my husband by the power of your holy spirit. and my your hoyl spirit heal my grandma nd my parents and my brother and fmaiyl thnaky ou Lor.d thnaky ou protect all peopelfrom accidents. heal al those in accidents. thank you Lor.d All for Godβs glory int he name of the Lord Jesus Christ. and engage this year in Jesus name!!!