Beloved of All
Lord join me wiht the flehs of my flehs boien of my bone. whoeevr this man is i pray you forc ehim to find me make him find me. helpp him realize that iti snot goof for man to be alone that oyu have made a help mete for him, onyl you knwo who this man is so i surrender my speculation in your hands. please fashion me to be the women you made me to be Lord, for I am a woman. please dliver me form eevry spirit that is not a woman dleive rme from all evil spirits including male spirit becua sie am NOT a man. tell me who I am Lor idn Christ tell me what i am supposed to dow iht my life and how please and help me do whatver it is you want em to do you for You are my husband GOd Lord Jeus Chirst always YOU my God my maker my Life Lord. you knwo that. i cannot do anyhtign wihtout OYu YOu are my world Lord my existance. giv eme a heart after yours and since oyur word says the woman was made for a man.. if this is true for me, it is up to you Llrd. you knwo wha ti was created for. if it is the case tha ti was made for a man. tel me who this man is. tel me out of whos rib i was made out of to be his woman his wife his helpmate. fashion me to be the perfect help mate he needs desires dreams of logns so attrracted to such devine love for me form God for and would give his lif eup for. whoeevr this man is tel him i love him. tel my husband formt eh Lor di love him. so mcuh. i am onyl attracted to my hsband formt he Lord he is th ebest. i pray my husabdnf ormt eh Lord that oyu Lord fahsion his hear this mind make him fall in love wiht your word. take away thign sin his life al unclena spirits all peopel form his life that prevent him form walkign a holy life devoted to YOu Lord and all things people ideas evrythign that would separate em and my husabdn our union our maarige our love fo roen another for God. remove all evil unholy htingsformt he live sof al poeple. expose the deivl his lies. expose seducign spirits. expose every edvil that tries to destroy me and my husand our marriage and or fmailies. expose the devils lies and ocunteit spouses clearly to me and my usband. tlel my husband to stay away lous and clear form ever yowoman tha t is NOT me! get every woman away form my husband who tries to even think of takign him H ei my husband every . le tmy husband find ever yohte rwoman so incredibly disgusting except for meβ¦ in terms of his wif efor He knwos i am his wife and i am btter than he can ask think or imagine. vice versa. I pray we wil eb VERVER VERY happy together os happy and we love evryhtign baout each other so much so mcuh we praise the Lord! i pray we have exceelent communciaiton excelelnt peace understandign empathy joy that we desire one another and andy only one another as husband and wife for glor yof our Lord Jues CHirst to HIm be the glory. giv em and my husband the marriage that you want us to ahve the hoem oyu want us to live int he work you want us to do and may i e a crown of glory upon my husbands head and n he would lack no gain. ipray iw il be his glory. i pray he be an exclelnt head towards me. he have incredible wisdom and love towrds me and that he respect sme cares baout my body life doe shis wonw. God make sure he take good car eof his body and guards his heart. le tnot bitterness anger discontentment ever be in his heart or mine eevr or in anyone in our fmailies heart ever again int he nameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. dleiver me and my husband forma l impurities all evil thoughts intentions and desires. may we desire nothign but God will in our live and may the Lord put it in our hearts to desire one anothe ras husband and wife so strognly filled wiht the powe rof God HOIl SPirit very supernaturall and . dleiv erus form all eivl immideatley dleive rus immdietley form everyhitng displeasign to YOu Lord. make us be one flesh as YOu deem fit Lord . give us bodies heart marriage our offsprif that glorfiy you. . ipray your presence will be storng ALWAY when we are together always so storng because you jined us together its your glory its your power and i prais eand thnak yofor this do all ny power to make tis happen everday for the rest oufourlives. le tus be so inlove wiht one another and we know that YOU Lord God almighty wihtout a shadow of doubt know l tus knwo oyu want us togehte irn marriage me and my husband whoever this guy is!!! LE tus knwo OUd and clear over and over and over aonever and over andonver andover that that what oyu hav joined to gther let no onothign no delvek no person separate.. make our heart sONE! after soyurs and thnaky ou God it is OYur glory your powe rna di prais eoyu wiht al my hear thanky ouf ormy husband thnak you for creaitng hima dn thank yu for creaitng me to be his help mate . may he find me el tus recognize your holy spirit tellign us loud and clear this is the wife form GO dand this is my husband form GOd. boen of my moy boen flehs of my flehs. praise to the Lord Jues Chirst an dmay our marriage our comign togther outr weddign and our lives reflect Gods love for the church thorugh my husband and me. may my husband giv eup his life for me caus ehie loves me that much and may i love him os mcuht aht i d do anyhtign for him out of submission ot prais eand glroy of name Lord.. becuase of course God has place htis in our hearts and it isn His word adn God has put this so storngl yin our hearts tha tis soooo easy life piece of cake to do this caus ewe bot h love God and and we do what he says and He Lor dcreate a such a strogn bodn between me and my husband such a grea conneciton wiht out bodies our midn heart shtoughts acton such a strogn connection we can read each other mind we can see each other emitons we can understnad each other so easily soo easily. amke it super easy. super easy and suo much joy to be togther . le tme resprect my husband but be comofrtbale iwht him. pelase make us both healthy strogn devoted ot serivng yu int he way YOu want us to Lord. pleas eprovid eof rour needs and forc eus to obey you at al times. make it easy to hear oyur voice for both of usand make its usper easy to submit to you Lord please for oyu are the center of our lives. thnak you Lord i lvoveoyu i love th ehusband you made for me. pelase giv em wisdom concenrign him how i can help him. please strgnthen heal him and remove very woman in his life that tries to even think of lurign him away. He is min and he mine. please odnt elt another woman steal my husbands heart. make his heart logn for me only. may he be so in love iwht me and find find ever y other owman gross compared to me. le thim know Yes she is my boen of my boen flehs of my flehs like jacob lved rachelβ¦. remov every devil from them int he namoe fht eLord Jeus Chirs.t dont keill them but remove them form our lives. do not allow anyhtign to come beteen me and my husband whom you have joined Lord ot be One flehs. le tus only desire one another as mana and wife. dleive rus form all temptations to adultery. le tus find even the concept absurd and horrifying. let us be repulsed by every coutnerfeight seducing opposite genders. .like even the thought of cheatign would make my husband so sick and heartbroken an myself included. GIv ehima faithful heart towarda oyu aloen God and faihtful to me as his wife to me alone. Lor dmake me lov ehim so mcuh th ti wann submit to him in al thign scaus iem THAT into HIm YES! Lord le tit ever coem itno question. reven our thoghts. please Lor dgiv e me my own husband form YOu Lord. make HIm find me. may he be so attracted to me my looks my voice my posture my mind le thim recognize i am his helpmate form Heaven and myay i bee th emos tincredbibly beautiful smarrt hottest owman he has ever ever met and may it be in his heart to see me th way OYu want him to see me Lord alwysa always itn eh nameof the Lord Jesus Chirst ! and may i recognize He ismy husband form God. tha ti NEED to submit to HIm and it is godod for me for I trus tint he Lord. that this man is form form heaven sent to be my husband i was made for let him recognize and need me Lord Like He cannot lve iwhtout me ever Make him cleave unto me and may we be oen flehs asap! int he nameof the Lord Jeus Chirs.t Lor dhelp em prepre for HIma dn help me toto do al that ouy want me to to do as i prepare for hima and help me to care frmy fmaily please. thanky ou!. let me lso be very attracted feel constantly protects and loved mby my husbnd tha ti dotn need to evr worry. may he be reassurign affirmative . help me to submit ot my husband giv eme such a strogn love fo rmy husband only second to OYu Lord for I love you.. btu i liek Help me to submit to my husband ( but gott let me knwo who it is like seriosly) help em to submti to him and al authorty you want my to at al times. Lord teahcme when to speka what to sepeak take ove rmy mouth Lor dmy thoguhts and do the same for la poeple. Lord do al in your power to protect marriages oyu have joined together let nothign no one separate what oyu join together. in fact if you want my moma dn dad joined togther do al iny our power to join them together. make my mom the helpmate my dad needs that you want him to have and make my dad the husband tht you want him to be. its al baout YOu. make us alt o eb people you want us to be. do all iny ourpower destory everyhtign that all evl remove that would separate marriages oyu have joined toghter for marriage is honourbale above all. please join me wiht the flehs of my flesh and bone of my bone join us to becoem one flesh and may ntohtign separat eus not even one anothr ever ver. force my husband to find me and cleav eonto me. remove every evil formour lives including lyign spirits. Lord only you knwo ho my husband is. so please prepar ehim to be the husband oyu want him to be for me and prepare me to be the wife oyu want for me to be. make us forc eus to submit to oyu at all times and dleive rus form the deivl at all times. giv emy husband and me the work you want us to do. tell us cleary our asisngments. do not allow any evil to to touch him me our marriage our love of reachother our oneness of flehs our assighments to God. Give us clear direction via the holy spirit and giv eus give us oen another heavenly loive foroen another wiht no language barrier sno barriers one ness one flesh secure patient trusitng protectign longsuffering gentle affectionate brettakign romantic even so storng so amazign love fo roen another please God thank yuLord int henameof the Lord Jeus Chirst. help us to be in cosntant guidance under th holy spirit and rmeove form our lives all evil compleltey in thenamoe fhte Lord Jues Chirs ti rpay . thnak yuLord thanky u Lord giv eus life an dlife in abundance. Chris tbe at the center always!!!