Beloved of All
Lord jeuss Christ praise report: praises and thanks forver to You Lord Jesus Christ True God and eternal life. : I recieved your helaign touched ot my teeth ! the Lord heals teeht rpias eGod may all who nee dhelaign int heir teeht be heale dby HIs stripes we are Healed.He is the grea tphyisican! please heal my teeth an dall who have dentla issues and decay. pelase hel m mother. pelase teach her how to seak and how her speech affects em.Lor daskign oyu to bless dn protect my fmaily. pelas ehal us allof neurological spirutal comminction developmental disorcerder Lor ddleiver me form all disorders. pelas ehal my of type 1 diabetes diabetes insiopidus and this severe dehydration.Lor dhelp me to take car eof my body my grandma and my mom .please also send em my own husband who will lvoe me an di will love himf or all eternity.pleas ekeep HIm in your willa nd dleive rhim form all satanic thigns powers adn heal his body by the Holy power of oru Lord Jesus Chirst. Lord guide me wit hy ou eye. thank yu for oyu helaign blessing.s Lor dplease do recreativ emiracle sfo rpeopel who need new organs limby teeth may the blind oyu give sight to. please heal Vilike for oyur glory an dpower oyur power pleas erpotect himf rom all evil and use him greatly to glorify oyu Lord Jeus Christ. pleas ehal al at where he hlvies too and please brign oyu salvation to that institution bless the instititution and do all in your powe to give VIlike the best of the ebs tine veryhitgn and pelase hela his mother form dementia from vasodilaiton problems diabetes insipidus high blood suga rhigh bloodpressure deformities all dehydration issues and chronic kidney disease. dleive rher Lord an dmy whole fmail and my husband form all unclean spirits. guid eus into all truth and please protect my fmaily form alle ivl including covid fmamine perstilence dehydration unbelif in Chirst protection formt he devil. Lor dbless em and my huasabdn to be One flesh soon in your perfect timign. make sure i am to be joined wiht the man you want Lord and only what oyur Will is. help me to obey my parent sin all thigns help me to trust you wiht my life. please touch and dleiver me form all evil all sickness disease. pelas ehal my kidneys kehla my dehydration sissue sblood suagr issues and fatigue and crokked acid eaten teeth please ressurect to life. pelase giv eme and all peopel sharp new teeht. pelase hela B's teeth giv ehim shap new teeth please ressurect his teeth back to life and dleiver him from smokign alchhaul and ungdoly and evil influence may you help him do the roof make it super easy and fun for him provid ehimt he energy strenght recosurces amterials and the help he needs to do our roof renovaitons. pleas ebelss hima nd keep him formall evil. pelase only give him godly friends who are apart of his destiny. if he is my husband form you Lord pleas emak eit knwoen to me and him. tell me more if hE is lor di ned to know yes or nknow. pelas eno coutnerfeit husband for me no strang eor ungodly husband out of your WIll. pelase keep me and my husband faiht ful to YOu Lord and one another. pelase hkeep us in your Will. remove all evil form our lives. heal us where we are hurt traumatied pelas eprovid eof rall our need.s please deivne protect our marriage for you hav ejoined us Lord Jeus Chirs tguide our marriag einto all truth and devinely protect our marriage form all eivl including idolatry and adultery pride and selfishness. pelase bless our union wiht such storgn love and dvotionto oyu Lord and oen another may we be equally yoked may the best tiem of our lives begin now Lor dof rme and my husband. pelase do a mircle and join me wiht the bone of my boen flehs of my flehs . By the power of oyur Holy spirit. You have all glroy all honour is oyurs. thnak you Lord tell my husband i lvoe HIm all the time and pelase please help me to wait on yu Lord and do what oy camm me to do same wit my husband. Please alossurround my huabnd and my fmaily and our union and our future offspring with your devine proteciton. ipelasd your hOly blodo upon my sins and my husbands sins. lead us out of al sins and destroy the works of the deivl in our lives. please heal al lpeopel Lord. pelas ehal my dads heart valve. heal my brothers histmine intoleranc ehal my moms heart strenghen and giv eus all merry hearts. pelase giv eme my fmaily my husband form the Lord wisodm and sttregnth to easily always resis the devil and may we lust after ntohign in our hearts but desire ot od GBod's WIll only. lor dmay oyu r will be doen. pelas ehlp em clena dn feed my fgrandma dn clean house. pelas eprotect my brothe rnad his wife and child form all evil .protec thtier marriage form all eivl and brign helaign to them where they need it. please let tommorw be oen of the best days ever for al my fmialy and all popele. pelas ehal all peopel sho need physical healign adn emotional and spirtual and mental healign in every way. pelase dleiver lal poepel form all thoguths that are form the enemy. please hela me of all intrusive thoughts and may me ym husband and all peopel bear much fruit for oyu Lord. guid eus hwo to d othis pelase save all souls and and espaically thos ei hav ementioned. please bless and heal Bill And Mavis and all churhc serivng you Lord. please help us all do oyu wil.l.. please be who physicans caregive rnurses please guide them strognly wiht oyur HOly spirit give us all wisodma nd power to do your Will Lord. send trillions of holy angels ot help and minster to my husband me my granda ma ymom and dad and brother. please protect my dad and all poepel form accidnet collisions vision problems insulin probles wight problems. dleive rlal peopel form type 1 and type 2 diabetes insulin resitance hela me of the root caus eof hirsutism if oyu are willign Lord and the root caus eof my teeht problems and sam eiwht me y mom. dleive rme form all unclean spirits bitterness and nage rresnetment jeklouisy and pelase make me what oyu want em to be. ma yi pelas ehav ientimacy wiht oyu Lord Jeus Chirst and knwo oyu like neve rbefor ei pray this for my brother and for my husabdn form yu Lord , B hisf amily and friends and all peoel my parent splease bels smy fmialy . pelase bels smy husband form the Lord andHIs fmaiyl bless my neighbours and enemies. dleive rall poepel form al eivl. dleive rme form corona phobia lyme diase. please dremove whatever is casing me to be dehydrated pleas ie beg oyu Lor dhela m em and my grandm aof diabetes insipidus. hela my moms teeht and mothand my dad brothers teeth too. pelase heal all dentla flehs bones and giv elal poepel merry heart today and ofrver LOrd Jeus Chirs.t Lord give me a steadfast spirit with oyu Lord pelas eod the same for my husband adn all peopel too. in thenamoe fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. may all eb forced ot do your WIll today. thanky u Lord. in thenamoe fthe Lord Jeus chirs ti ask this of oyu Father also protec tmy fmail y form all accidnets collisions death and do all iny our powe rto save us Lord ternally and save every aspect of our lives do all in your power to destory the works of the deivl in all lveis and hela all who are sick. pleas eod big miracles otday in my grandma life Vilike my mom my husband form the Lor db my dad GΓ‘bors hand pleas ehla for oyur Glro ylOrd. pelas eheal all peopel who falsh flesh eatign disease cancer diabetes of all kinds. pelase help and brign helaign relief and urgent helps and save ll peopel in antural disasters. hela al inhospitals and please hela those wtih blod pressur eporbels. dleive rus all form allefear Lord and for the enemy. all glr yis your Lord Jeus Chirst. in your name wiht oyur hOly blod i ask oyu allof this. and belss and heal all on this site and hela thos ehwo have autism aspeger spelase Lor dhelp us all. thnak yo int henamoe fthe Lord jeus HCirst Chirs.t bless me Lord liek Jabez and allpeopel too thanky ou Lord in thenamoe fthe Lord Jeus Christ.. giv eus abundan tlife Lord thank you.