Beloved of All
Lord Jeus Chris thelp em to be whatver it is you want em to be so that Christ mpower be displayed by the hOly spirit. askign you topelas ehla my grandma who has been bedridden for years. pelas ehal her brian her blood pressur eher eyes deliver her blood of all bacteir ainfections. pelase heal ruptures blood vessels. pela e bless her food. giv eher oyur salvaiton help me to care for her. help em to be kind to my mom. help me to do YOur Will. pelase proheal my mother as well ine ver yway her side her body. pelas ehelp her to obstain form eaitng junjk. giv eher wisdom. merry heart bless her and my grandma. pleas ehal my dads blod pressure make sure his heart valv eis workign properly. pelase provie him Hoyl companionship if he is lonley. pleas ebles sinhim financially. pelase let him get retrment. send holy angels so he can get retire ment Lord. send Hoyl angels to help with his taxes. pelas esne dhoyl angels to protect my dad guide heal and may the Lord salvation in every are aof his life an dmy mom s life and my grandma and brother and hoel family life Vilike too be by the Lord jue schirs tlivefe saivng powe.r help us toknwo you Lord and live for you. Whatbver it is OYu want em to do Lord giv eme to courage to do what is right. pelas ehela my body pelas eand thank you Lord for all your helaign touches. I thank OYuLord. pelas eprovid eofrmy fmaily financially and for my neighbour too. giv ehim to job you want him to have. batte rthna he can ask or imagine. bless him protect hifm romall eivl. giv ehima merr yheart. Lor dif ___ Is my husband make it clear by YOur Holy spirit very clear. I love the husband you hav emfor me Lord, whoever He is tell HIm how mcuh I love hIma nd i pray you heal him in every way. Pleas make sure that the deivl deoesnt steal destroy and kill anyoen today Lord. dleiver allpeopel formt he devil and all those evil authorities. Lord we dotn fight agaisnt flesh and blood. pelas eldieve rus form the deivl his lies. and clean us form our sisn Lord JeusChirs tSavior Lor dof all may all belv ein OY and be reconcield ot God wiht YOur hOly blood. Lor dim ver yslow to udnersatn peka ot me clearly. OYu knwo hwo stuopid i am. i eed clea rdirection in every area of my lfie. help me to only obey oyur voice and totoally be deaf to the deivl . i pray htis for lal poepl. pleas ehlp us get garbage bags osmeone how. pelas ealso if oyu are wiling make the neighbour help with the garbage bags. Lr rd help him in every wa.y guide hIm let Him hear oyur voice. please giv eouy salvaiton to him, whoever my husband is and to his fmaiy. pelase dleive rmy family form all witshc dcraft all idolatry. pleas eaksign your God almight iyn thenamoe fhte Lord Jeus Chirs to heal all my fmaily mebrs pelase thanky oufro your glory. heal all my fmialy mebers of all sickness and sidsease , help us to repent of all thigns unpleaseign in your sight forgiv eour sisn and help us to make our wrogns right.Lor ddleive rus form secret sisn and please give us the livfe oyu want me my husband form the Lord and my fmialy to have. pelase give all poeple with oyur holy spirit especiall thos ein positions of authrity. please make us al obey your Voice at all times. help em in my diabetes problem. hela my blood suagr issues dleive rme form bittenress anger resnetment. help me to embrac eoyu Lord wiht all my heart and your will for my life. i pray htis for lal poele. thank you lord forgivign s your life to redeem us . saveus Lord. guide us. openmy eyes to YOu Lord oyur truth your way and do so to all peole. help me to keep my heart fixiate odn OYu. Always no matter ewhat. becoem the lvo eof my lfie for year. thanky oU Lord and thanky ou that by your stripes we are heale.d pelase protect lal flehs form accidents calmities form all evil. lead us not into temptation but dleive rus form all eivl. FOr your is tehe KIngdom power and glory forevr. pelas ehal my brother his wife. pelase giv ehtem and htie rbaby salvation form YOu Lord provide ofr lal their needs. giv em brother the job oyu want HIm to have make sure He is in your iwll at alll tiems. please hal his allergies Lord. pelase sned trillions of holy angels to minister to him his wife baby and my mom and dad and pleas ehal Gábor hand sby the Lord Jeus Christ. pelas ebtring slavaiton to all sid es of my fmaily. provide for all oru needs. pelas eheal all peopel who are sick and destroy the wors fo the deivl in eevryoens life please Lord Jeus Chris tb your power for your Glory. all honour praise and thanks go to You thnak OYu God! foreevr