Good and Faithful Servant
Lord Jesus the Gangstlakers are obstinate it doesn't seem to matter that they violate me and lie about what it is they say or do to me. Right now they are so loud in my ear only reading scripture seems to help. I need deliverance from evil gangstalkers no matter how! I didn't get two prayers on the other one so I pray again but add some words. Please pray in agreement for me I am not evil they are they are lying scum! coward they are they hide behind their technology and say the weirdest things to get my goat. Right now they sing this stupid song over and over again I posted a video early if you listened to it you know what I'm saying. I'm so exhausted I didn't sleep well earlier trying to sleep with noise playing in your ear is almost impossible to fall asleep unless you take sleeping pills. The problems is lots of people like what they do for they think they are doing good but aren't. They are fulfilling what Jesus said if people hate you and persecute you they will do so thinking they do God's service and they aren't. The last couple of days I'd slept ok I felt they were on the way out or at least not bothering me nearly as bad but then last night they got loud all of a sudden with some new song. I guess prophecy is being fulfilled for this matches exactly what scripture says would be like the last days. So please pray and agree with me in prayer that I be delivered from their evil and that Jesus Christ is not long in coming back!