Disciple of Prayer
Lord Jesus. Please have Your mercies pour out on all of us and also myself for us to obtain the love, grace and mercies of us all to be saved. May we all walk in God's Love, grace, mercies, and light.. for all of us to be redeemed and repented and saved. We all walk back into the way and the truth and the will of God's Love. Please have Your truth and Your mercies and Your will from Your Love to all souls who are searching and caring, seeking and waiting. Father we are faithful to Your Love, will and plan. Have Your protection, please pour out to on all of us, those who have not yet to received Your messages of love and of mercies and are walking in God's Love, and mercies but unknowingly believed and think that its their's own efforts, ways and works .They believed that its okay to persecuted and condemned soul, and or other's way of life. O Lord it is sad and are hurting everyone and it does not stop there but it is effecting and spreading to all of us and eventually down to our's children and generations which has been even to now. If only we are willing to give You all of our life for Your Love and Your will to be done in each and everyone's life here on earth. Lord I am willing to have to give my life away, but please don't bring any guilt, shame, disgrace, pain and hurt to my family and loved ones. I pray for love, peace, healing, warmth, comfort, harmony, respect, reconciliation, kindness and humility for all of my family life and loved ones and also not with any ego or self interest or profitable orders. I am praying for God's Love and His mercies also truth to be obtained and received, and accepted in all humanity's heart with God's grace along His blessing. It is in the way and the truth and the life that Jesus Christ Himself ascended down onto earth from heaven and demonstrated for all of us here to repent and believed in God's love, plan, purpose and protection. And in His protection and in His mercies we shall all be undeniablly to received of His Love and His mercies, His way and His truth for us to be saved. Father please bless me with the grace to receive Your love, grace, truth and mercies humbly and unproudly or pridefully with gratitude, humilty and respect. And with the responsibilty for all humanity. Father..Please Forgive me..I know of that which I did and lived. But please have mercies on me and my heart. For I am fragiled and weak. For my wounds and my fall are very deep, heavy and hard. And now along on the way and my path of repenting and repentance, the accusers, thieves and condemnor are trying and doing very hard to have his way, plan and purpose to be unexposed and sometines acceptable to innocent souls and heart. He is using our's life's way to perform his works. For we did not have the mercies in our's heart to believed in all. I believed we will forgive and understand in our's heart for all humanity, and myself, when the right season comes, and our's heart, soul, mind and spirit is ready to received Christ. His mercies in His way, truth, and His life. And more gracefully and blessed be.. His truth Love.