Beloved of All
Lord Jesus, I praise you, and thank you. I glorify you. Lord Jesus, I ask that you place Consuelos under your strong hand of conviction, Lord Jesus alert the generation to question her, and the lies she has presented to try to place people she targets under bad standing, I bind off of everyone the deceit being operated by Consuelos, standing on Matthew 18:18. Lord Jesus, I ask that you disarm and demolish Consuelos demonic influence over the generation, and bringing down the demonic strongholds that were forced with the lies that Consuelos presented to the generation, standing on 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. I ask that you humble and dismantle Consuelos pride and everyone suffering from it, setting standards for the people assigned to expose her and correct all the inequity Consuelos has caused or is plotting to cause. Lord Jesus, that she may be questioned as a back log and anything that she tried to take advantage of with the lies and tactics Consuelos was presenting to try to get herself ahead be disarmed. I bind off and ask that you dismantle the forces of the devil's device that are being operated thru Consuelos, standing on Matthew 18:18. Lord Jesus you have promised to bring down the luceferistic demonic people operating thru the kingdom of darkness, I stand on that promise in regards to Consuelo. In Jesus name I pray. In Jesus name I ask. Amen.