Beloved of All
Lord Jesus, I praise you, and thank you. I glorify you. Lord Jesus please block all of Panchillos who goes by a fake name, he may be called Victor Barrios to harm others. As well as his son by the same name of Victor. Empower people to stand against all their attempts to damage others. Placing enough conviction that they both come to repentance or understand that the other option though God wants none to perish is to perish. I bind off the spirit of fear that Panchillo and Victor have tried to place on others, standing on Matthew 18:18. Asking that you recuperate for people everything that was stolen or tried to be stolen by Panchillo and Victor. I bind the lies and deceit being operated by Panchillo and Victor, standing on Matthew 18:18. Standing on Exodus 23:27 against Panchillos and Victors attacks. That you set us all free from Panchillos and Victors oppression and binding off any backlash and retaliation coming from Victor, and Panchillo, standing on Matthew 18:18, and John 8:36. Asking Lord Jesus that you bring down all demonic strongholds that have been placed by Panchillo and Victor in the lives of those they targeted with their schemes, standing on 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Expose and empower all of those that are exposing all the things that need to be exposed coming from Panchillo and Victor, asking that you demolish all those mountains that they tried to form in the lives of others, standing on Matthew 17:20-21. Lord protect us all from Victor and Panchillo who commit crimes, and have orchestrated really bad things that are now in investigation and I hope that there is legal action taken where it serves, standing on Isaiah 54:17. Asking for standards to be lifted to all those that Panchillo made felt obligated to evolve themselves, that Lord you havs mercy over them and set those standards for them as it says in Isaiah 59:19 that you will that all those that felt obligated don't see your glory in the lives of Panchillo and Victor, that they see the face of the enemy and they resist them, they must flee in accordance with your word in James 4:7. Convert the people that felt obligated at one point to join them in their crimes, that they may receive your mercy, and healing, and restoration to you Lord Jesus. In Jesus name I pray. In Jesus name I ask. Amen.