Humble Servant of All
Lord Jesus, I need Your peace in my life right now. You know the multitude of stress that is weighing on me and my family. You know that we are downright scared. I pray that it would be in Your will to grant us some legal representation for our upcoming court date. I pray that it would be in Your will to allow us to find a new home before our landlord tries to evict us. Father, I pray that You would send your angels down around us and protect us and guide our path in the direction YOU want us to go. And Lord, please help me to be joyful and thankful for every blessing you have given us already! Help us to not want what You do not want for us. Thank You for all of the wonderful brothers and sisters I have here on this site that are actively praying for me and my family. I ask that You would bless them as well for their faithful service to You. In Jesus name, AMEN!