Dear Heavenly Father I come before You in the Name of Jesus Your Son and I ask that You alone remove all the Hinderances and stumbling blocks in the name of Jesus, Lord I ask that You alone restore these Marriages and that You alone would get all the praise, honor and glory. Lord Jesus I ask in Your name alone to smash, demolish and destroy all the works of the evil one and that all the barren soil in these marraiges would spring up life in them and that You will flow springs of Living water into these marriages and that You alone would heal these marriages by the work of the cross Where Your Son Father died so we could have life. Lord Jesus You are the one and only answer to all of these marriages and that they would be whole and complete by the blood of Jesus Christ. Lord I ask that You alone speak to these spouses that are lost and not serving You that they would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus and that they will turn from thier wicked ways and be healed at the name of Jesus. Lord You alone can do the work and all praise, honor and glory goes to You who sits on the throne in Heaven and does all the work. Lord You are awesome, wonderful, almighty redeemer and majestic. Thank You Lord for healing and restoring these marriages. Thank You Lord Jesus, thank You Lord Jesus, thank You Lord Jesus, thank You, amen. Bless all the couples below and do a redemtive work in these marriages. IN Jesus name, amen (Some of the couples are on here twice, I do not know what I did)!!!!!
Karen and Mike
Ermelinda and Patrick
Christian and Charlemae
Ruben and Grazielle
Yonette and Philip
maame afua saguaah and Charle
Heidi and Brian
Hope and Kevin
Bonnie and Paul
Lisa and Chris
Corey and Ashley
Mark and Anne
Nina and Victor
Connie and Justin
Mandy and Kelvin
Matthew and Maria
Dion and Luis
Ronnie and Tina
Fredi and Rebecca
Patrick and Janet
Bernie and Doris
Tracy and Barry
Celeste and Darryl
Debora and Rigoberto
Ermelinda and Patrick
Christian and Charlemae
Ruben and Grazielle
Yonette and Philip
maame afua saguaah and Charle
Heidi and Brian
Hope and Kevin
Bonnie and Paul
Lisa and Chris
Corey and Ashley
Mark and Anne
Nina and Victor
Connie and Justin
Mandy and Kelvin
Karen and Mike
Ermelinda and Patrick
Christian and Charlemae
Ruben and Grazielle
Yonette and Philip
maame afua saguaah and Charle
Heidi and Brian
Hope and Kevin
Bonnie and Paul
Lisa and Chris
Corey and Ashley
Mark and Anne
Nina and Victor
Connie and Justin
Mandy and Kelvin
Matthew and Maria
Dion and Luis
Ronnie and Tina
Fredi and Rebecca
Patrick and Janet
Bernie and Doris
Tracy and Barry
Celeste and Darryl
Debora and Rigoberto
Ermelinda and Patrick
Christian and Charlemae
Ruben and Grazielle
Yonette and Philip
maame afua saguaah and Charle
Heidi and Brian
Hope and Kevin
Bonnie and Paul
Lisa and Chris
Corey and Ashley
Mark and Anne
Nina and Victor
Connie and Justin
Mandy and Kelvin