Lord Jesus, help me to remain faithful to You ...

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Lord Jesus, help me to remain faithful to You and your calling upon my life. Strengthen and grow my faith as I daily search Your Scriptures and apply their truths to my spiritual walk. As I go through the trials and experiences of my earthly journey would You fix my eyes and my ever-wandering heart upon Jesus. When the howling winds and forceful storms of this life attempt to shipwreck my faith may they instead prove my faith to be more than sufficient to withstand the continual assaults from the enemy. Because I take refuge in Jesus my spiritual foundation is firm, always dependable, and leads me to glorious victory. Amen. In the maze of life's events where we're often a passenger on the rollercoaster of life's ups and downs, may we never lose sight of You, Jesus. You are the unseen but ever-present Shepherd who protects, guides and tenderly comforts us in all our trouble. Thank You, Lord, that when change is constantly about us, You remain steadfast, faithful, and dependable. You are the Anchor that keeps us grounded in the unseen but eternal truths we build our lives upon. Keep us faithful and help us to always believe! Amen. Lord, for many the circumstances in life are so uncertain. The solutions to our problems can be very perplexing and seem beyond our grasp. There are many things about tomorrow that we don't seem to understand. But we know Who holds tomorrow, and we do know Who holds our hand.* Thank you, God, that You don't expect us to have all the right answers or to fully understand all that concerns us. You simply want us to trust You as we hold on to Your unchanging hand while You go before us making our paths straight. Grant us the grace to trust You more. In Jesus name, Amen. "Lord Jesus, I am full of gratitude today as I consider Your abiding presence in my life. You planned my existence in my mother's womb before I even drew my first breath. When so many people have come into my life and exited it throughout the years You have taken up residence and You forever rule my heart. When the path before me was unclear You have always gone before me sustaining me in my wilderness journey. Though all forsake me You remain faithful, and remarkable as it seems, even if we are faithless, You will remain faithful, for You cannot deny Yourself. Thank You for being my Supreme Savior and the Sustainer of my soul. In Jesus Name, Amen." "Lord, any words we speak or pictures we draw cannot fully describe your infinite love. Your boundless love reaches beyond the heavens and yet it penetrates our individual hearts. It is only in experiencing a personal relationship with you that we begin to sense the inexhaustible and pure love that comes only from You. Even as the waves of the ocean are powerful and wash over the rocks may Your abundant love fill my life to overflowing so that Christ’s love is seen through me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen." "Lord, even as the water, sun, and nutrients from the soil make the plants flourish in the summer we are reminded that as we are faithful in reading Your Word and applying its Truths to our lives – we, too, will thrive spiritually. Our roots will go deep into the fertile soil of faith and our tendrils of spiritual life will reach heavenward as we keep our hearts and eyes focused upon Jesus. Thank You, Jesus, that You are the One who establishes our faith through Your redemptive work on the cross of Calvary." "Gloria de Dios for the blessed gift of our five senses. Our surroundings become very much alive to us through our sense of touching, smelling, tasting, hearing and seeing. Incredibly through Your marvelous provision when one or more of our senses is not working as it should, You have given us other resources to supplement our need. I think of those who cannot read our devotional today but through their sense of hearing they can hear this devotional as Stephen reads it. Thank You for hearing aids and many other modern devices that enable us to communicate and live a fuller life. It is in the midst of these difficult circumstances that we're more mindful of just how much we rely upon the goodness of others and the mercies of God. Gloria de Dios! In Jesus' name, Amen." "Lord, even as Moses instructed Aaron and his sons to bless the Israelites by praying this blessing I bless the readers of our encouragement ministry by pronouncing this very personal blessing upon each of them today: 'The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace.' In Jesus' name, Amen." "Father, You know those to whom you are leading us to share the Gospel message. Sometimes these folks are on our hearts for years and we've prayed for them time and again. Other times we are prompted by the Holy Spirit to speak to an individual we've never met. We know that you have given us all authority in heaven and on earth to go and make disciples of all nations. It is not in our own strength, wisdom, personality or talents that we share the message of salvation to those who are lost. It is in the power of Your Holy Spirit that we go forth bringing the message of hope and forgiveness to those who seek it. Help us not to be discouraged when we don't see an immediate response for we know that we are all involved in the planting of spiritual seeds. Germination may take place over a number of years, but we will rejoice in the spiritual harvest to come. In Jesus' name, Amen." "Lord, out of the abundance of Your harvest we have so many delicious foods to enjoy. Thank you for Your blessings upon our gardens this summer. What a pleasure it is to plant fresh vegetables, herbs and fruit and to enjoy in due time the reward of our labor. Thank You for the rain, the sunshine, helpful insects, and the nutrient rich soil that nurture and grow the seeds. Thank You for the overabundance of vegetables that we are able to share with our neighbors and friends. You are faithful in providing for our spiritual, physical and emotional needs and we are grateful this day for Your marvelous blessings in our lives. In Jesus' Name, Amen." "Lord Jesus, when we consider how many struggles, hardships and temptations we face in our lifetime the weight of these difficulties could overwhelm us. Today I am aware some readers are grieving the death of a loved one. God of all Comfort, may you comfort them and give them peace based upon your promises. Remind them that it is in Your resurrection that we stand victorious in the end when we face our last enemy on this side. Because You are our risen Lord!" "Lord, you know the longings of my heart. When I seek thrills and quick fixes to satisfy these needs I am eventually disappointed. Your supply of Living Water never runs dry and satisfies the inner desires of my heart because You are the only One who can meet my spiritual needs. Lord, as I come today dry and thirsty I look to You, for You satisfy the thirsty and fill the hungry with good things." "Father, how grateful we are for those who've gone before us showing us the way. They not only instructed us in the ways of the Lord but they lived exemplary lives so that we could see faith in action. We're grateful for their positive examples in our spiritual journey. We even pause to think of those who have taken a wrong direction only to turn away from all they held dear at one time. Would You remind us of the serious consequences of their sinful choices when we're tempted to do the same. We lift those people before You asking the Holy Spirit to convict and guide them back to the Way, the Truth and the Life. Keep us faithful to the very end so that as time unfolds we can declare with the apostle Paul, 'Now I am old and praise be to God I am by His grace a prisoner of Christ Jesus, my Redeemer!' In Jesus' Name, Amen." "Lord, so often when we're in prayer or praying with others in the Body of Christ we give verbal expression with the affirmation of "Amen" or we simply nod our heads in agreement. Our outward body language is in agreement but deep within, our hearts look another direction. When You are dealing with us about destructive habits, sinful attitudes, or unhealthy relationships in our lives help us to not just give a nod of agreement but give us the resolve to change from the inside out. As Your presence abides in our hearts Your will becomes our own, Your desires become our desires, and Your character becomes our character, for we are made in the image of God." "Jesus, as we earnestly seek and follow You our minds are being renewed daily. Our ambitions, goals, and affections are being transformed into Your likeness. The ways of the world have less grip on us as we transfix our thoughts upon the Author and Finisher of our faith. It is in dying to the world that we become alive unto Christ and it is through Your mercy that we offer our lives today as living sacrifices. Amen." "O God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, your mercy endures to all generations. Your truths are timeless and Your provisions are abundant to those who call upon your name. Help us to declare Your faithfulness to our generation and the generations that follow. Thank you that my great-grandfather, Isaac, proclaimed the faithfulness of God to His children. And I now have the blessing and responsibility to proclaim your faithfulness to my child. Generation by generation we proclaim the salvation that comes through faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen." "Lord Jesus, often the daily grind is not appealing as I awaken each morning to the tasks before me. Sometimes the routine seems endless and at times pointless. I find myself lacking fulfillment in this aspect of my life and yet it requires the majority of my time and focus. Jesus, please help me to find the hidden strength that only comes from seeking You to deal with the negative attitudes that tempt me daily. Help me also to look beyond the immediate to the deeper meaning of each day's task. Above all, help me to keep my eyes on spiritual truths as I meditate upon Your Word and apply its meaning to my life each new day. It is in this faithful practice of placing You at the center of my focus that I can rise above the difficulties that come my way. May You restore to me, this day, the joy of Your salvation and renew a steadfast spirit within me. In Jesus' Name, Amen." "Jesus, would You be at the center of my thoughts, my attitudes and my conversations today. Would You keep me spiritually sensitive to opportunities for Christian witness. As You reign in my life You are my Master and I choose to be obedient to You, my Lord. Grant me the strength to trust You in the dark trials I may face today as I release my worries and fears to You. Help me to remember that I walk by faith and not by sight. I desire to follow You, my King of Kings and Lord of Lords. In Jesus' Name, Amen." "Jesus, I am so deeply touched by this dedicated couple who minister to coma patients who are unable to communicate or make physical contact with those around them. What a tremendous blessing to know that You've given this couple the ministry of reaching seemingly unreachable individuals. When we look at the outward appearance we see only an unresponsive and often shriveled up shell. But, God, we are reassured by Scripture that You look beyond the outward person to see the inward heart. We pray for family members of coma patients reading our devotional today – that You would fill them with renewed hope. We are confident that Your spiritual touch surpasses any procedure or treatment that doctors or nurses can administer. Even in the midst of doing physical battle with our bodies our spirits can soar to places where the body cannot while abiding here on earth – in the very presence of Jesus. Would you minister Your healing to the broken-hearted as You bind up their spiritual and physical wounds. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen." "O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come! How powerful and enduring Your Word is. It is living, relevant and active in the lives of believers all over the globe. It is more than print on a page, for the Word of God penetrates the heart; guiding, instructing, convicting, delighting, comforting and performing the supernatural work of God in our lives. Increase our love and passion for reading Your Word faithfully so that we may grow in understanding and appreciation for all You have to show us. In Jesus' Name, Amen. "Jesus, we know that none of us are 100% humble, for we are clothed in these mortal, fallible bodies. But we do know that You are completely humble and we look to You as our example. As we clothe ourselves in Your righteousness we can overcome the pride that is ever before us. We recognize that no good thing can come from us, but all that is good comes from You. Remind us daily that gratitude is the antidote for feelings of pride. When we acknowledge that everything we have and all that we are is due to Your merciful blessings we are humbled and grateful to You, the Giver of every good and perfect gift. Thank you, Amen." "Jesus, we thank You that salvation comes from You alone. Thank you that You are enough. We would come up far short if we relied on our good works, our charming personality, our status in life or our worldly accumulation to purchase our salvation. You are the sinless Lamb of God, the only acceptable sacrifice to God, who provides salvation to every man, woman, boy and girl from every region on the face of this earth who call upon Your name. Keep reminding us that we cannot earn our salvation because You give it freely. We choose to receive Your gift of salvation through faith in You, Jesus Christ our Lord. And we are intensely grateful for Your merciful compassion toward us. In the name of Jesus we give thanks. Amen." "Jesus, help me to have the heart and motivation of the Samaritan when he saw the needy man along the way. Taking the time to stop and help wasn't on his schedule and his medical expenses weren't in the Samaritan's budget. He didn't consider these factors to be an obstacle that would keep him from extending Your mercy to one in need. Jesus, help me to be Your hand extended reaching out to the needy, the sick, and the oppressed. And, Lord, when it is not within my ability or power to directly reach that person in need, prompt me to bring him before the throne in earnest prayer. Help me to be a vessel that You use to heal the broken-hearted as You bind up their wounds. And I will do it in Jesus' name and for Your honor. Amen." "Jesus, You are well-acquainted with my weaknesses and the condition of my heart. You know that I am often more concerned about my own comfort and my daily schedule than the needs of those around me. I know I can't save the entire world, but I can listen to Your still small voice as You place individuals upon my heart. Show me ways that I can make a difference. May the character of my life reflect the heart of Christ as I reach out to others in love and in obedience to Your calling upon my life. In the name of Jesus, Amen." "Jesus, it is in my hour of need that I see Your powerful provision in my life. When I'm in need of comfort, You are my Comforter. When I'm in need of courage You go before me. When I'm in need of friendship You are my friend that sticks closer than a brother. When I'm in need of stability You are the Anchor for my soul. When I'm in need of finances You own the cattle on a thousand hills. When I'm in need of peace You are the peacemaker. When I'm in need of food You are the Bread of Life. When I'm thirsty You are the living water that leads to eternal life. You are my Shepherd and I shall never be in want of anything. Thank You for meeting every need I have. Amen." Jesus, it is when we are emptied of our comforts, our surroundings, and those things which we daily take for granted that we begin to think about the eternal issues of our lives. I pray for those who are grieving the loss of family members, friends, neighbors, their property and their occupations in the midst of this destructive hurricane. Though it has left great destruction to the people and structures in its path, I look forward to hearing many stories of Your miracle working power in the lives of those affected and those giving aid. How I pray for protection for the volunteers and workers who are attempting to rescue those in harm's way. May the hearts of those who face great losses in this devastating storm experience much greater gains by finding Christ as their personal Savior. May they come to recognize and follow the voice of our Great Shepherd, as Jesus told His listeners, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hands." Thank You, Jesus, that in the midst of loss and devastation, those who trust in You have a salvation that is steadfast and imperishable.
Lord, we thank you that you for the blessings that you have given us. Help us to honor you in every part of our lives. We place this request at your throne. Please hear and reply according to your perfect will and timing. Grant us the peace to know that you are in control. In Jesus Name. Amen.
♡♡♡ Let This Be Your Prayer: God in Jesus’ name bless me, all those I love, care about, and the writer of this prayer with Your greatest blessing of all, salvation. Bless each of us with Your protection, Your healing, Your Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding. Bless each of us to prosper financially, be in excellent health, and grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Bless the work that we are doing for the Kingdom of God to flourish, grow, and prosper. God always protect and keep us safe from all hurt, harm, and danger. Bless us to become and remain great men and women of God achieving great things in the fields that You God places each of us in. God do this and more, exceeding abundantly above all that I have asked You to do in this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen! ♡♡♡ Please Read: https://www.prayerrequest.com/blog/183/entry-18537-%E2%80%9Caint-i-good-to-you%E2%80%9D/
Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your request was answered, please post a praise report and let us all know. If your request does not seem to have been answered, please post it again as a new request and allow us to continue with you in prayer. We all hope that our prayers are answered in the way that we want. Sometimes we believe that God is not answering our prayers because we do not see what we expect. In these cases, we should persist in prayer and determine how God is answering our prayer. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ.
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