Disciple of Prayer
Lord Jesus bless me lord to have a blessed and peaceful workday tomorrow at my job. At the Olive Garden restaurant bless me to get along with all of my coworkers and managers. Lord and bless everybody lord to work together as a team. Lord and respect each other and be nice to each other. And bless us lord to serve all of the guests hearts lord without no problems at all and bless the guests. Lord to tip the servers bartenders and bussers good tips for giving them good guest service. And lord touch some of the servers lord and bless them. To tip me lord for helping them and giving them. Good guest service and touch some of the guests hearts. To lord and bless them lord to tip me a nice big cash. Tip for for giving the guests good guest service and bless me lord to keep my job at the Olive Garden restaurant and father god i am asking you lord. In Jesus Christ name lord to bless me with a second job income coming in and bless me lord. To be blessed with a place of my own and lord bless me. With a good woman with a good personality. And good mindset hardworking honest respectful. Does not play games at all lord and knows what she wants out of life lord and loves and servers the lord. Bless me lord to meet a nice sweet pretty sexy woman. That wants a good man in her and wants to be in a serious longterm relationship with me. And bless her lord to come from a good family and has good morals and values Father god please bless me. To have peace all around me and don't have any problems with anybody lord father god please bless my mama Jeanette Hawthorne restore her good. Health back to her lord and bless her with the desires of her heart lord and bless her to be able. To walk again and lord send some good true Christian people to talk to my brother Jabari Hawthorne. He has a drinking problem lord and is very hard. To live with and get along please bless him to turn his life over to you and get saved and respect my mama. And me and my brother and deliver him from drinking lord gave him a new lease on life. Lord bless everybody around the world lord and bless everybody to come together and stop all the racism. And hatred in the world and help each other.