Lord in Jesus Name I ask you to help me & my beloved to be “slaves of righteousness” so we will always do the right thing & not allow anger & unforgiveness to control our lives in any way. Keep us from ever using anger as a weapon to hurt one another so that it doesn’t drive a wedge between us. Fill our hearts full of Your love & peace so there is no room for anger. Teach us to pray about everything & enable us to always see the best in one another & not the worst. Teach us to find things to praise about each other & not complain about, so that we can be brought into harmony and unity with each other. Help us to always “pursue the things which make for peace” and the things by which we may edify one another Enable us to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit—“love, joy, peace, longsuffering,kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control”—and not a harvest of the flesh . Take all anger from us & teach us to love each other from pure hearts and a good conscience. Help/teach my beloved to forgive me the way Jesus does. In Jesus’ name I pray.