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Lord, I'm coming to you to ask you to REBUKE all of the devils advances and approaches to bring me down to beat me to cheat me. I REBUKE HIM!! BUT I NEED YOUR HELP!! Please stop the devil from placing Shannon & Joe in my mind and Please stop him from bringing the flash back of My Love My One And Only My Prince of being unable to care for his self stuck in that hospital bed so sad and miserable and angry at himself. Lord, stop all actions and thoughts of the devil trying to break me. He is chasing me and the way I know he is not winning and isn't going to is because he is NOT attacking me because I live through you Lord. Please stop the anxieties that I am trying to fight and feel I am only making it worse. Lord I thank you for taking alcohol away from The Man I Love. As I was praying to you before I came to ask for others to pray for the request again you pointed out that HIS FEELINGS ARE REAL FOR ME AND HE JUST COULDN'T SEE THAT AND DIDN'T WANT TO BECAUSE THE ALCOHOL WAS CLOUDING THAT ALL UP. THE DEVIL WAS THE POISON IN THE ALCOHOL. Thank You Lord for giving Robert The Light to see now that He has no more demons that you saved him from them and please continue to help him to see he never has to go back there again. Please keep the drunk and the high that the devil brought into his life away for good. CONTINUE TO SHOW HIM THAT THE DRUGS AND THE ALCOHOL WAS ALL THE DEVIL AND THE DEVIL WAS TAKING HIM AWAY FROM ME. GOD ABOVE I KNOW AND I HAVE FAITH IN YOU AND YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. I know that you along with the HOLY SPIRIT will continue to show him this and I ask LORD THAT YOU PLEASE COME INTO HIS LIFE I KNOW IT MAY BE A LONG ROAD BUT YOU MADE ME FOR HIM AND IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE!! I KNOW I CAN HELP HIM AND LOVE HIM JUST PERFECTLY! Lord I love you I love life I want to be everything you are I know and I pray I can continue to do even more in helping people here and I know you are smiling down on me as I write this that you are so proud of this angel child down on earth. God and Lord above you have blessed me with so many gifts and I could not ask for more. I do ask to be one with Robert and I Bow to you both and say I will be as patient and as strong as I have to be because in you all: God Jesus Christ & The Holy Spirit I CLAIM IT; I TRUST IN YOU; I BELIEVE IN YOU; I TEACH THROUGH YOU; AND I LIVE AND LOVE THROUGH YOU ALL. In Jesus Name I Pray Lord Seal Me With Your Blood and save my soul from all that is evil. AMEN AMEN AMEN
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