Lord, I thank You that You are “a sun and a shield” to us and because of Your grace and glory there is no good thing that You will withhold from us when we live Your way . I pray that You would protect my marriage from any hard-heartedness that could develop between me & Steve Show us how to keep filled with Your love so our love never dies. Help us to not be stubborn or rebellious, refusing to set our hearts right before You Teach us both to “number our days”—to value the time you have given us together—so that we each may gain a heart of wisdom as you have promised in Your Word. Take away any perversity in our heart, so there is never a wrong attitude taking root in either of us). If ever our hearts start to become hard, soften them toward one another. Cause Your rivers of living water to flow in and through us at all times to soften, mend, and restore. Heal any brokenness so that the damage is not irreparable, and take away any scars that form. I ask that we will always feel genuine love for one another. In Jesus’ name I pray.