Lord, I thank you for waking up this morning. I thank you for allowing us to see another day. I pray that everything single thing that happen in 2012 will affect me and no one else. Lord, I know everything that I put Tylia through and I pray that she doesn't have to deal with anything anymore, just allow me to go through it. I pray that every situation i handle get fix, and I wasn't lying Lord, and you were my witness. I want you to strike me down if I was. I should of known Lord that the situation with the pipes that the Landlord will change her story. I know what was said and so do you. I wish i had some way to prove that she said it. Right now it is her word verse mines and that of course everyone who she deals with will believe her. Why did she say that Lord, and it wasn't true. I wish I was smarter that I should read right through her that she is about money Lord. The whole company is. Lord, you were there when the water damage occurs you know what Khary did and you know he didn't do what they said. Lord I pray that she doesn't have to pay anything and the outcome is good also that she will be able to leave that apartment within a month. Lord I wouldn't say anything like that if I was, I don't want anyone to go through anything. Especially when I quoted what was said to me. Lord, I pray that the situation with Amber will be fixed. That she will be able to graduate still on time and that she won’t suffer in her life. I pray that she will forgive me for what I have done to her. Lord I don't want to be associated to how i was in 2012; I am trying to fight that off. I pray that everything in Tylia life gets better and I know 2013 isn't starting off the best for her. I pray that she wouldn't have to deal with any kind of stress that is negative stress anymore starting today. That money wouldn't stress it her and bills as well. I pray that she will receive financial abundance in her life. Lord I pray that she will receive everything that she deserves for and not all this stress and worry that she has in her life. I want desperately for miracle outcome in her life. Lord I pray that I get more income, I would personally sacrifice that Tylia doesn't have to pay anything, I am tired of her stressing out and raising her blood pressure and not able to enjoy her life. I pray that she will receive all her blessing today and she doesn't be stressed out from this day forward. That she receive her leads that she needs at her job. I pray for a miracle Lord that I desperately need as well. I will do anything to be completely different. I want to walk in your path and Lord I need you and all of you. Lord I pray that Sonya will stop being so mean. I pray that today Tylia receive at least 3 leads today. I pray that I will be more organized and focus, and don't have the same issue occur like last year. I know, Lord I am reminding everyday on how much i screw up in many ways. I pray that this negative energy that is surrounding me will leave once in for all. I pray that I learn how to let go and let God in all my situations and worries. I am praying for a miracle a change. I did something stupid which i took someone class for them and fail it. I thought I was helping them but I ended up not. I pray that this doesn't affect our friendship and that she will be able to graduate on time. That everything will end up working out. Lord, I pray for the families and friends of the people that were affected by the Sandy Hook tragedy. I am praying that the consequences of my actions will go away, that I focus on my goal, strength, healing, and wisdom. I pray to mend this broken friendship, Lord. Pray for us oh Lord that the friendship Ms. Sharon and I once shared will be spared at his will. I cannot change the path things have taken, nor can I alone make the stubborn wise, but all I can do is ask for your guidance, and through that I will see the light. There is no communication between me and her, and I feel so helpless and lost, every day I want to contact her but I know she will not respond to me, with the courage you have given to me, I'm reminded of your isolation and how things can change. Pray for me, Lord, as I have prayed with you. Help us mend our friendship and draw closer to you! Lord thank you for all your blessing that you have given us, thank you for the ability to wake up, walk, breath, lord, i know many situations that occur this year and relationship were broken and much stress occurred. I have faith that one day these broken relationships will be fixed and heal, and that all the negative stress that occurred and present will be diminish. Also lord i pray for the ability to find employment. Please continue to watch over all your children even the ones who need you the most. I pray for Tylia and the ability for her to do her job and succeeding at her job and getting the lead that she needs. I pray that all her stress and worry that she has will be remove from her and taking on to you Lord and that leave everything on to your hands and that goes for everything, situations, finances, relationships and etc. because without you we will be nothing. I pray God to heal relationship rifts and I pray God's blessing on them to fulfill their destinies. I am praying for second chances with those destroy relationship and the ability to start over. All I want to do is do things for myself not to rely on another but God. I am praying for my life to change and quickly. I am praying for a better financial situation (debt cancellation) and a change in people minds about me and forget everything that I done in the past in the past. I also pray for debt cancellation of all my debts that I owe and can't afford to pay them. I've messed up not only with myself but with everyone else. I am dealing with my problems head on and everything that I did was never intentional for anyone else but only for me. I never want to go on the road that I once was and if I could I would erase everything that has happen, but I know that I can't. I want to make amends with you and everyone again one day, and won't allow anything to ever happen again. I really missed you in my life and really want to gain a relationship with you once again. I know I’m trying to change everything about myself and start over. I’m keeping a better relationship with God and I know things will get better... It's just hard ...when you are reminded of the consequences of your actions, and how you are view to people as well...but I'm keeping faith that everything will get better with me just learning how to handle things in life. I am still regretful of things that I've done and trying to move on in life. I just wish i didn't do so many things wrong I know life is full of choices we make and mistakes, but I made the wrong choice. I'm trying to keep going, and forget mistakes in the past. I know God forgives me, he expects you to forgive yourself, but it is so hard. I feel like my life is a failure, and I haven't accomplished much in life. My challenge is not forgiving myself. I feel like I am a horrible person, because I constantly lie and did everyone wrong. I lost trust between them and everyone. I am praying to regain that relationship that I damage, regardless of what they said about never wanting me in there life, and that they feel that I did everything intentional. I don't know why I lied so much, most of the time; I just didn’t want anyone to worry, about anything. I wanted to handle things to myself. I lost loyal and trust within myself, God, my second family, and my own family. I want everything to change for the better. I feel alone have no one talk to for advice but God of course. My best friend sacrifices so much, with loans, title loans, and advice, and etc. I want to be there for her more than ever, and also help her out with her finances. I pray that her mom and friends that we had together will forgive me as well. I'm glad that she forgave me. I am constantly feeling horrible person for what I've done. I am praying for jobs so I can help her pay these loans off, and help her as well. I pray that my lack of focus and communication gets better. I pray that I will become a stronger person. Also to get my personal finances under control, and have the ability to get a car and my own place very soon. I am praying for motivation and stay on the right path, and praying for more friends, and a relationship with a guy. I am praying for forgiveness to everyone that I've effected. I'm praying forgiveness to everyone that I've affected. I was a lazy inconsiderate person well that's how I came off but I wasn't trying to be. I never showed my emotions, and that affected a lot for me. I am getting better, and I haven't lie to anyone since I left the mental ward. I am praying that my friend doesn't lose her job and she can prove to them that she can do this job, and also i pray that she continue putting all her worry and stress onto you and i pray that I do the same. I am praying that I prove myself and walk with the Lord. Lord I pray that Tylia will succeed at this job. Lord I pray for her job secure. I pray for healing, wisdom, faith, and strength that she may need and I pray for blessing for her and changes in her life for the better. The ability that she can continue to go to you for her guidance, whenever she is stress, all her worry’s will go on to you or even for her health. I also pray that Tylia and Khary relationship is good and also that Amber will graduate on time. In Jesus name, I pray Amen