Humble Servant of All
Lord, I pray you may forgive me when I lose my patience. It is not always easy to be caretaking 24/7-- it takes a toll. I pray that an extra measure of patience and blessing be given to me to endure these long hard days. Protect your children as the devil is like a lion and wants to devour your children. Bless my sister and I as we continue to grieve all our losses and continue adjusting. Prayer for the finances Lord. Guide with my business and the clients I serve. Bless me Lord with wisdom from above and give me the words of life to impart to those in need. Help my MIL get the services she needs. Let those who are involved in getting her the services get them for her without obstacles. Help my sister with her finances and moving. Help my dad who is DX with lung cancer. Heal him and guide the doctors to make the best choice to extend his life and not cut it short. Be with us as we travel to meet with him in March. May the visit be blessed and may You heal the family issues there. Thank You, Lord, for another year of life. Let me enjoy every minute and not waste it. Help with the issues with the fence and the neighbors. We need to remedy this issue with the dogs digging under the fence. We don't have the financial resources or man power to get it done We also need the floors fixed and a ramp to be made for MIL. Please provide what is needed. I pray that you would give my husband the emotional intelligence to understand when it is time to retire and consider my situation with taking care of his mother all by myself. Help with the plans to find a warm affordable place to live in our retirement years. Give traveling mercies and safety as my daughter and son in law are traveling. Protect them and watch over them. In Jesus name Amen!