Lord I please ask you to get ahold of my fiancé and allow him to see that his hurtful ways are not at all right with you. I am trying to make things work but he keeps making comments etc of how he’s better without me or what not that it’s hurting me tremendously. Lord you know that I’ve been nothing but good to him so please allow him to see that and all W him to care at heart to take care of what we have. Have him realize that he’s being unfair and allow him to see that I truly love him. Let him go of his fear and give me a chance for me. We need that miracle from your end Father God bc al he’s done lately is made me feel like he doesn’t need us in his life.... allow your type of love to invade him and see his wrongs. Lord we need a miracle and only you can make that happen. In Jesus name we pray for the best amen