Beloved of All
Lord, I have prayed this prayer before... and You have revealed all in 4 months. Father, I find myself wondering if he has moved on with someone else. I now wr are broken up, but I asked him directly because I have strong feelings for him and very confused as to why he is so distant and hesitant to give us another chance. He said there has been nothing and no one, he has only made some lady friends but not in that way. Some of my friends said that he wont be honest about it, and they are certain that something must have happened. Father, I want to believe him, believe that he is working things out by himself about us, and that You are bringing him back to me. But now... the way he is acting, suddenly distant and always making sure his phone is with him... something doesnt feel right. Please Lord, show me the truth about him and what he has been doing with others here and overseas. Help me manage the truth and walk with You again, please reveal it to me In a way I am hoping his heart belongs to You and me only, it would be really sad to know if he has been with another, but my heart needs to know the truth about that. Please reveal to me Father, and help me walk in the truth