Lord, I have been praying without ceasing and had two interviews even discussing salary and it looks 99% like I make at the job but I find out this week. Please Lord let me get this job and let me start this month for this will give me the ability to pay rent coming up and take care of my family. I pray with everyone here for all the needs and all the worries they may have and please forgive us when we worry and we fear and we doubt because that shows not strong enough faith. So I pray for the Holy Spirit or Jesus Christ please intercede and give us strong faith courage discernment and all that we need to sustain us and to help others in the way you see fit. My life is yours I dedicate my life to you everyday and my life is at your feet. I declare this prayer is answered. Thank you I worship you I love you In Jesus name I pray and in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen