Lord I got a bad panic attack today my ear felt plugged and I get in panic mood and I try anything to get out of it but does not work my hands are shaking and I feel awful inside like my ears will plug up for good and I will not hear anything my ears I can not hear well anyway Lord..so my husband takes me to the clinic and we wait 15 min and we go back and a nurse looks at my ear and says no wax...but the other ear has wax and we will clean them out both but doctor will look at your ear and he does and says it is just sinuses and not life threatening it maybe to him but Lord it is to me did not tell him that so we left and my ear is ok know,,I can not h elp how I get Lord when I get in a panic attack..and it pisses me off I get that way Lord forgive me Lord for saying pissing,,,Lord please help me and heal me,,thank you Lord,,,