Humble Servant
Lord I come before you asking you to guide guard and comfort Cienna. Touch her where she is right now. Remind her she is fearfully and wonderfully made. Lord please allow Cienna to do abundant things in school. Lord allow her to be accepted into all colleges she applied to. Lord allow Cienna the opportunity to be afforded a full ride scholarship. To God be the glory. Lord please guide me in my journey of single motherhood. Lord remind Cienna to honor respect and obey me her mother. Lord I ask you to continue to give me strength, your mercy, grace, patience, love, encouragement, guidance wisdom so that I am able to continue to raise Cienna within your will. Lord I am reminded that you are the Alpha and the Omega. Lord please hear the words that I can not articulate. Lord please hear my prayers. Lord you are the head of my life. I ask you for these things in your powerful, matchless and mighty omnipresent name Jesus, Amen. Lord please hear my cries