Lord help us please.We don't want to be homeless,unloved by all we need In our live.We don't want to be out on the streets with our hearts broken by one another .We don't want to look for the way out of this life but a life that we have peace with.Lord I have nothing right now and my son and I are in need of your mercy.How do I save him from destruction I don't know.How will I save his life Lord we have no one and nothing and are becoming homeless. I have just about zero and I don't know what to do.I know all this is happening because of my wrong deeds.Please forgive me and save us .We need saving.We are suicidal and I'm sorry Lord for misleading my son to think we are okay but we are not.I do love him alot and I can't do it anymore I'm tired ,we are tired .Help us Jesus spiritually and physically and mentally and strengthen our lives so we can fight this evil within us.Im barely hanging on .He is barely hanging on.