Beloved of All
LOrd help em take acar eof my slef .my livign situaiton stresse sme out so much my life is so stressful. pela sie beg oyu Lor dif you can do anythign to help em please do so. als I pray yu giv eme the husband You made me for. the HUsband I was made for by GOd HImself find me in thenam eof the Lord Jeus Christ. Lord speak to me tell me show me lud and clear Who is MY HUSband YOu mad eme for and please tell MY HUSBAnd to BE with Me Dwell with Me. as YOur word says. i pray He loves me lifke Christ loved the church and gave himself up for the church. Please remove all hundering spirits that prevent me and my HUsband to mbe togethe rin Holy matrimony. please give us hearts so inlove with one another and may ntohign separate what YOu Lord have joined togther by OYur Holy Spirit. if my HUsband is ____ than give me clea rconfirmation. tell me who my HUsbadn is Lrd the one i was made for and the One who YOu made to be my Husband tell us Loud and clear . Make my Husband find me Lrod. WHo is My Husband Lord? tlle me? tel HIm My Husband formt he Lor d I am HIs Wife tha tI wa smad efor Him.. the HUsbadn YOu made me for tell HIm and me... that HI is my Husbad.. no counterfeits. .. be clear an dloud and forc eus to be husband and wife by YOur Holy sSpirit.. please God brign us toghter Heavenly Father thename fo the Lord Jeus Chirs ti pray.