
Beloved of All
Lord Heavenly Fathe rgiv eme a marriage and bond so strogn tot he man you mad eme for that the devil has no power not an inklign to destroy us oor our marriage union in thenameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ. join us sosstrognly for oyur Glroy Lord with the flehs and bone of my flehs that the devil has zero power and cannto manipulate anystronghold on us not even an inklign. Pleas join us so strognly Lord tha t all wil respect our marriage honour our marriage and see God protection and favour and blessign and fea rof the lor dove oru maarriage what He has joined let no man put asunder int ehnameof the Lord Jesus Christ t ipray htis of ral marriages too. le tnothign tear apart wha toyu have joined toghetr LORD int he namefo the Lord Jseus Christ name i pray. Lord bound me so strognly to oyu Lord Jesus Christ that the dvil hs no powe ron me r o my life join me so strognly to You Lord Jesus Christ tha ti submit iwillignly to you out of the highest purest form of love respect and devotion and wholehearted trust t o you Lord Jesus Christ Forever. Int he name fo the Lord Jeus Chirst. teahc em your way tel me whichc way to go help em to trus tin YOu. help me to see you love oyu . find oyu you. pelase. FOr oyu ar emy maker Lord and Savior. in your name ipraise you and thank you. i pray htis for lal peopel too. FOr You ar emy HUsband Lord. pleas eod this for la my fmaily memebrs and all peopel. pelas ehelp us do your will . alll peopel. pelase heal the sick by Your powe rglory honour. in your name save us all hela us all tak eus out of alll satniac dbondage int henameof the Lord Jeus Chirst. plase take me my family all peopel al people out of satnic bondage foreve irnt he nameof the Lord Jeu sChirst. please save and hela all peopel who have had accidents and injuried.pelase save their osuls and live prologue their lives and mirculouly hela them in your name by your power for oyur glroy Lord Jeus Chirst so that we maa belvie in you alt he more. pelase Let oyur wil eb don your kindgdom ocme. Lor dhelp me obey my parents its soo ahr dpelas help its soo ahrd. pelas ehlp ts soo hard pelas help i feel so aloen.. ltire. help pelas ehelp. provid eme my own spous ewhom ill enjoy the res tof my my lfie with. who wil eb truyl hayappy mroe than happyn and contect an dos lin love iwht e min every way vice versa. i odtn want to be aprat form the man oyu mad eme for.. pelase talk ot me about ths. if oyu even wnat me ,arried. when is the papointed time. i odnt want no ishmael husabdn i want my isaac husbnd.pelae giv em me isaac husabnd pleas egO dint he nameo fthe Lord Jeus CHirs tname.. accoridng to YOUR WIll your timign. Lor dhelp me be my best help me car of rm agrana. ehlp me to order onlien form auchan the stuff only i need. pelas proveide mobiel bed for my grandma. pleas ehela her of dementia. digesiton bowel movemnts. pelas ehal me and my mom relationship hela her of aspergers. help me to see whats he rand what spetbersif that make any sense. help me im so confused ehlp pela sie beg oyu wiht my mom Lord. ehla her belss her help us t love oen another truly and no btteness and resentmnet between us pleas ein the nameo fthe Lor dJeus Chirst. Increas em yfaith Lord. please.. . pelas heal and restor emy grandma 100% comeltley perantley back to excelelnt health ebetter than ever please heal and restore my mom to excellent health better than ever please restore Vilikes health bodly flehs better than ever haealed made whole whole by the blood of the Lor dJesus Christ pleas hela and restor emy min bod yemotions a my will my mind my will and interest an dmotoivation. dldelive rem fully forma l idolatry and all evil and pride and stubborness. pelas ehlp me to oey oyu always Lord even if im tired. pelas ehal me of this fatisgue blood suagr issue stype 1 diabetes teeth lack of fat hirsutism all abnormailites in my body pelas eotuhc hela. make me who oyu wantme to be Lord. pelas ehal me accoridng to your Will. int he nameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ. thnk you Lord of royu rhelaign touch right now I praise YOu! Please comepltely heal and restore my grandma to excelelnt healht . hela he rbrian dleier her dform demtia. please may she encoutner oyu Lord even now oyur helaign oyu rmiraclous touchmiracuouls touch hela her great pHscician for only you can. pelase hela my mother to of aspergers Lord of ronly you can pelase heal my dad emotionally please for only you can peopel hela my brother teeth my moms teeth my dad smine brothers grandma alsl dental flehs be heale dnad ressured cleaned by the blood of Chirst. praise to oyu Lord Jeus Chirst. pleas ehal my grandmas organs so thy work properly. pelas edliever my borther form all uncelan spirts heal him dleive rhimf orm depression disspaointment histmine intolernace. may he have such as strogn encounter wiht oyu Lord today that gives his ligfe to CHirs ti plead oyu Hoyl blodo on him his work his healht teeth gums dentla flehs pelas ehal al dehydraiton issue sin his body i he whoe fmaily.pelase giv eu slivign water and save and heal us lall. pelas egive my fmaiyl a merr yheart hpelase heal my moms heart dleive rheer form all sugar rleated flehs eatign bacteria. pelas eheal my brothers brain heal him of aspererger syndorm if he has that. pleas ehal VIlikes brian bwoels neurilogivcall. pelase dlieve rmy fmaily form all cranial enurlogical pyschologicla illness. please dleiver ee yforamm form aever uncelan spirit opossible. please dleive rme form ange rbitternes s hopeless nes jelousy and iscontentment andlonliness int he namoef the Lord Jeus DChirst. please dleiver my whole fmaily form lonliness and pelase destor ythe works in our lives dliever us form all d,emons generations curse sfalse God ands and all evil .pelas ehela my dad heart valve. heal his narves spinal column fdleive rhimf or all dehydration issue sciruclaiton issues and od the same of rlal my fmail. pelase resore our live our hope in you Lord Jeu sChirst. pleas erprotec tmy entire fmaily form all accidents death collisions miscomunicaiton arguements discord anger jelousy hated and all adulteries idolteries all form of evil please delive rus all form all evil. pelase heal and ressurec tour bodies to be whole itn henameof the Lord Jes Chirs thealth normal happy in every way itn he nameof the Lor dJeu Chirs.t pleas ebels smy fmaily abundandt ywiht the gifts oyu want us to have including spiritual gifts wisdom on how to use all oru resource soyu giv eus. pelas ehalp me clena house na dclena poeplecae for my grandm. please giv eal lmy fmaily mmeber the joby you want us to have. in thenamoe fthe lord Jeu sChirst. pleas ehelp em tod the scrap book. ehlp me bruch my hair easily cut my hair accoridn gttoyu WIll Lor dbest hairstyle tell pelase tel l me how and what to eat and ewhat to fee dmy fmaily. pelas provid ethappropriate ebst nurttion for ll peopel and may no oen hungar or starve. pelas ehal my grandma toe neail and my dad oto. please compelte dleive rmy grandma form small bowle onsbsturciton syndorme. pelase dleive rm form dehydration in ymouth and body. dleiver me from metbaolic acidosis. pelase tel lem wha t odrink eat etc. please also do the sma eof rmy husbnd form oyu Lor.d always protec tmy husband form the deivl hela him sttrenghtne ressurecrt him and giv ehim a clena heart Lord and pur heart to see oyu adn may he recognie em as His iwf an dme recgonize who my husband is you have cammed ot be my husbamdthnak yu Lord. please protrect my brothr andhis wife form discord misccomunication storngly bodn them to be one felsh and heal them wher they need helaign bot has man and wife and soen fleh. please guide them wiht oyu rhOly spirit and pelase help them rias ethie rbnaby girl. hela my brother teeth touch his teeht Lord streghtne and heal al lhis teeht dentla flehs And dleiver him form depression help him take good car eof himself. pelase and alos my dsad and mom too al and lal f,maily. pelas ehal Béla please heal gáborls hand. pelas ehal Bill fo chrisnoic fatigue please hela mavis in every way. bless the churhc heal the body of Chirs tan dmay we operate itn he Holy spirit always. Lord dleive rme form anger and ocmprng myself ot gothrs. help mer un my race wihtout distrciton onyl obedient to oyur hoyl sprit at al theimes . You are my life thank yuf or beign my GOd and Father. pelase lead me out of all tempttions. teahc me where i need to change gentl ybut quickly. help me understand the hwoel clenign htis.. and help me do the job. please protect my dad heath vision hapiness. send trillions of hoy nagle to minister to him ym brother granducnle adll my fmaiyl mebrs my husbadn andhis fmaily mebers. pelase protect me and my mhusband oru marrigae form evil doers and strange men and women. join us Lord join me to the HUSband that is YOUR peerfect Will. thank you Lord tell him i love HIm all the itme whoever this guy is. and tha tim waitign for him. pleas ekeep echother faith to YOu Lord and tooen another. may the htought of adultery break our hearts and eneverhapen becuas eof the strogn bond oyu have between me andmy husband Lord. please also provid eof rour future children if you have tha tplanend. provid efor our neds and provide a way for us to finally be one flehs at the appointed time accoridng to you WIll.prepar eus to lvoe one anothe r forlife oot do oyur WIll eb equally yoked in Christ and alwayís trust in you Lord. i pray of rm yusband salvaion in Christ and comepelte trust and surrentder to the Lord Jeus Chirst. i pray hti sover my life and over all my fmaily life and all poepels live.s Lor dprepar eus for oyur comign. hav emrcy on my sins. please adn help me to help my dmom.. please. also help my dad ot giv ehis life ot oyu Lord out of true trust. intervene in his life miracuoulsy may he be convertd like paul i pray htis fo rlal peopel too itn henameo fthe Lor dJeus Chirs.t but of cours ei pray that no on gets hurts protec tus ofrm lal evilLord. asav elal csousl and ehlp me to be waht you want me to eb. like let me knwo why im here. whatysmy pupose here??? int he nameo fthe Lord Jeu sChirs ti pray. please dliever me from all false thingkign lie sof the devil pelase espeically concernign you your voice. help me to truly hear oyur vice lord for wha tis is and follow oyu whole heartedly int henameo fthe Lor dJue sChirs ti pray htis of rmy usband too. I pray for B salvation fredom form smkoikkign addiction freedon form filthy communciaiton nd freedom form alchhaul. int henameof the lOrd Jeus Christ. pelase guid ehim wiht oyur hOl Spieit. pelas emirculouls yprovide alll th ebest materials needed to fix our roof, giv ehim motiviton widsom udnerstanding desire to fix our roof. pelas eprovide th ebest materials next to nothign or evne free Lor dup to LOYu. may hi slaboru be belssed rewarewed may he enjoy doitn the roof, may you send triilions of Hoy angels and the right help to the the rook and hous repairs excelelntly int he nameo fthe lor dJue sChirst an dpelase dleivr himf orm all evil spirits all witshc draft if thats invodlev form all occult in every way int he namoft he Lord Jue sChirst sm ewith me and my fmaily. pelas ebels shima budnandly giv ehima merry heart only godly friendships and dleiver him form all ungodly soul ties ( sme iwht me all dleiveranc eform all wtachdcraftft all anifestaiotn stuff if that isnvnvolved. only OYu Lord Jeu sChirst lead HIm and my He foolwo you Lord. please tell me if He is my husband yes or no?? pelase God. i relaly need clarity. pelaseplease ye sor no help in this areas.. please. alos reconcile my parents marriage if it is your will Lord by the power of your hOly spirit int henameo fth Lord Jeus Chirs ti Pray. please dleiver emy paretns form all forms of evil and all occult false Gods and may they truly know and serve only oyu Lord Jeus Christ. i pray this for my husband and for his fmialy as well. Lord pelase tell me who my husband is and who my usband cannot be. pelase help me int his area. in thenamoe fthe Lord Jeus Christ I pray. Please dleiver my kidneys and my grandmas kidnyeys and all kidnyses form aleivl int henameo fth Lord Jesus Christ. please giv emy grandma exceleltn blood prssure it he nameo fthe Lo rd Jesu sChrist. please dleiver em form all evil and my fmialy an dproperty and all poepel. pleas eprotect al lpoeple form accicdents collisions death and protection form suicide int he nameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ. MA all fidn true Hope in you Lord. for oyu are our Savior and Lord over all. pelase give all popele lif e and lif ein abundance and helain got la the sick. dleiver lal poepel form all unclean spirits for oyur Glroy and by your power praise ot oyu aloen lord thnak you. you are the lfie. pelase give us alllife an dlife in abudnance and comeplelte and totoal deliverance form all evil spirits generaton l curses please in your name int he name above all name si Ask in thenameo fthe lor dJeu sChrist. Deliver me fully form all evil nd peleas edo the sam efor all people. inthenamoe fthe Lord Jesus Christ. pelase remove the devils grasp off my grandma oof moff me off my brother off my mother off B, pelase dliever himf orm smoking alcholhaul al ungodly bodage ot peopel and dleiver himf romaver yfals eway open his eyes to the tuth that is You Lord giv ehim and lal people your salvation and and pelas guide hima nd make him do your will Lord at all tiems. pleas edliever my parents form all idols fals eGdos and and ugnodly habit.s pelas eheal my grandma from dmentia. pelas eprovid emobiel ebed the right wheels and the right help the perfect oen that so i can go otu isd eiwht her easily that no probelsm ovccurs storgn stable movbie bed for her miracuolsy lor dJeu sChirs tplease i achknoweldge you in trhis pelas eprovide us mobiel bed for Grandé pelasepleas ei
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Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, we come before You with a prayer request for Jesussaves89. We ask that You would give them a marriage and bond so strong that the devil has no power, not even an inkling, to destroy it. Lord, join them together so strongly that all will respect their marriage, honor their marriage, and see Your protection, favor, blessing, and fear. We thank You for Your faithfulness and Your goodness, and we ask that You would grant this prayer request according to Your will. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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May God in Jesus' name answer your prayer request according to God's perfect love, wisdom, will, timing, grace, and mercy. Thank You Jesus!!!

Psalm 37:4: Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Matthew 6:33
: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Let Us Pray: God I ask You in Jesus' name bless me with everything I stand in need of, and everything You want me to have. Bless me to prosper, have excellent health, and never stop growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ Jesus. Bless me with love, power, and a sound mind. Heal me in every area of my life. God bless me with Your favor, joy, knowledge, wisdom, peace, protection, prosperity, strength, and success in all You have called me to do. And bless me to do all You have called me to do in the spirit of excellence for Your glory.

God bless me with the strength, desire, and passion to always delight myself in the Lord and seek first the kingdom of God. Bless me to know You, love You, and live my life to honor and please You. God cleansed me of everything in my life that breaks your heart. Let me be a light in this dark world, lifting You up in the lifestyle that I live. Let the world see that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Lord of ALL of my life. Protect me God from all the plans of the enemy of my soul. God all that I have asked of You, in this prayer, please do the same for the writer of the prayer, all those who truly love me, care about me, want Your best for me, and pray Your best for me. God please forever honor this prayer over each of our lives. God Thank You. Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen, so be it by faith, and by faith, it is so in Jesus' name.
Prayer was written by Encourager Linda Flagg, M.A., Board Certified Professional Christian Life Coach.

You Can Do It!
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Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your request was answered, please post a praise report and let us all know. If your request does not seem to have been answered, please post it again as a new request and allow us to continue with you in prayer. We all hope that our prayers are answered in the way that we want. Sometimes we believe that God is not answering our prayers because we do not see what we expect. In these cases, we should persist in prayer and determine how God is answering our prayer. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ.
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