Tang Wei Ping
Humble Prayer Warrior
Micah 7:19:
He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.
Commentary on this verse:
When God is about to deliver his people, he stirs up their friends to pray for them. Apply spiritually the prophet's prayer to Christ, to take care of his church, as the great Shepherd of the sheep, and to go before them, while they are here in this world as in a wood, in this world but not of it. God promises in answer to this prayer, he will do that for them which shall be repeating the miracles of former ages. As their sin brought them into bondage, so God's pardoning their sin brought them out. All who find pardoning mercy, cannot but wonder at that mercy; we have reason to stand amazed, if we know what it is. When the Lord takes away the guilt of sin, that it may not condemn us, he will break the power of sin, that it may not have dominion over us. If left to ourselves, our sins will be too hard for us; but God's grace shall be sufficient to subdue them, so that they shall not rule us, and then they shall not ruin us. When God forgives sin, he takes care that it never shall be remembered any more against the sinner. He casts their sins into the sea; not near the shore-side, where they may appear again, but into the depth of the sea, never to rise again. All their sins shall be cast there, for when God forgives sin, he forgives all. He will perfect that which concerns us, and with this good work will do all for us which our case requires, and which he has promised. These engagements relate to Christ, and the success of the gospel to the end of time, the future restoration of Israel, and the final prevailing of true religion in all lands. The Lord will perform his truth and mercy, not one jot or tittle of it shall fall to the ground: faithful is He that has promised, who also will do it. Let us remember that the Lord has given the security of his covenant, for strong consolation to all who flee for refuge to lay hold on the hope set before them in Christ Jesus.
Our prayer:
Father in Heaven, You are completely faithful and trustworthy. Nothing and no one can cause Your plans to fail. You have carefully engineered through millennia the circumstances that have brought about each and every prophesy that You have given to us. Your word will stand now and forevermore. Help us to trust You completely in our pain through our trials. It is very hard to do so because of the lies of the enemy. Stand strong for us and with us as we overcome all things in Your strength. Give us everything we need to grow through our trials, and comfort us as we fend off the stinging rebukes of our enemies. Holy Spirit, plead our case before the Father, and pray for us, for we don’t know how to pray through these things. This we ask in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
彌迦書 7:19:
天父,您是完全信實、值得信賴的。 沒有任何事情或任何人可以導致你的計劃失敗。 幾千年來,您精心設計了環境,實現了您給我們的每一個預言。 你的話現在和永遠都有效。 幫助我們在痛苦和考驗中完全相信祢。 由於敵人的謊言,很難做到這一點。 為我們堅強起來,並與我們一起,依靠你的力量克服一切困難。 賜給我們在考驗中成長所需的一切,並在我們抵禦敵人尖刻的責備時安慰我們。 聖靈,請在天父面前為我們辯護,並為我們祈禱,因為我們不知道如何透過這些事情來祈禱。 我們祈求這個,奉耶穌的名,阿門。
He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.
Commentary on this verse:
When God is about to deliver his people, he stirs up their friends to pray for them. Apply spiritually the prophet's prayer to Christ, to take care of his church, as the great Shepherd of the sheep, and to go before them, while they are here in this world as in a wood, in this world but not of it. God promises in answer to this prayer, he will do that for them which shall be repeating the miracles of former ages. As their sin brought them into bondage, so God's pardoning their sin brought them out. All who find pardoning mercy, cannot but wonder at that mercy; we have reason to stand amazed, if we know what it is. When the Lord takes away the guilt of sin, that it may not condemn us, he will break the power of sin, that it may not have dominion over us. If left to ourselves, our sins will be too hard for us; but God's grace shall be sufficient to subdue them, so that they shall not rule us, and then they shall not ruin us. When God forgives sin, he takes care that it never shall be remembered any more against the sinner. He casts their sins into the sea; not near the shore-side, where they may appear again, but into the depth of the sea, never to rise again. All their sins shall be cast there, for when God forgives sin, he forgives all. He will perfect that which concerns us, and with this good work will do all for us which our case requires, and which he has promised. These engagements relate to Christ, and the success of the gospel to the end of time, the future restoration of Israel, and the final prevailing of true religion in all lands. The Lord will perform his truth and mercy, not one jot or tittle of it shall fall to the ground: faithful is He that has promised, who also will do it. Let us remember that the Lord has given the security of his covenant, for strong consolation to all who flee for refuge to lay hold on the hope set before them in Christ Jesus.
Our prayer:
Father in Heaven, You are completely faithful and trustworthy. Nothing and no one can cause Your plans to fail. You have carefully engineered through millennia the circumstances that have brought about each and every prophesy that You have given to us. Your word will stand now and forevermore. Help us to trust You completely in our pain through our trials. It is very hard to do so because of the lies of the enemy. Stand strong for us and with us as we overcome all things in Your strength. Give us everything we need to grow through our trials, and comfort us as we fend off the stinging rebukes of our enemies. Holy Spirit, plead our case before the Father, and pray for us, for we don’t know how to pray through these things. This we ask in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
彌迦書 7:19:
天父,您是完全信實、值得信賴的。 沒有任何事情或任何人可以導致你的計劃失敗。 幾千年來,您精心設計了環境,實現了您給我們的每一個預言。 你的話現在和永遠都有效。 幫助我們在痛苦和考驗中完全相信祢。 由於敵人的謊言,很難做到這一點。 為我們堅強起來,並與我們一起,依靠你的力量克服一切困難。 賜給我們在考驗中成長所需的一切,並在我們抵禦敵人尖刻的責備時安慰我們。 聖靈,請在天父面前為我們辯護,並為我們祈禱,因為我們不知道如何透過這些事情來祈禱。 我們祈求這個,奉耶穌的名,阿門。