Tang Wei Ping
Humble Prayer Warrior
Proverbs 9:11:
For by me thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be increased.
Commentary on this verse:
9:1-12 Christ has prepared ordinances to which his people are admitted, and by which nourishment is given here to those that believe in him, as well as mansions in heaven hereafter. The ministers of the gospel go forth to invite the guests. The call is general, and shuts out none that do not shut out themselves. Our Saviour came, not to call the righteous, but sinners; not the wise in their own eyes, who say they see. We must keep from the company and foolish pleasures of the ungodly, or we never can enjoy the pleasures of a holy life. It is vain to seek the company of wicked men in the hope of doing them good; we are far more likely to be corrupted by them. It is not enough to forsake the foolish, we must join those that walk in wisdom. There is no true wisdom but in the way of religion, no true life but in the end of that way. Here is the happiness of those that embrace it. A man cannot be profitable to God; it is for our own good. Observe the shame and ruin of those who slight it. God is not the Author of sin: and Satan can only tempt, he cannot force. Thou shalt bear the loss of that which thou scornest: it will add to thy condemnation.
Prayer for Proverbs 9:10:
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Praying through Proverbs 9:10:
Our prayer:
Heavenly Father, give us an understanding heart, a fear of Your great and glorious majesty, and an increasing knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ... for the more we know Him and the power of His Resurrection, and the more we fellowship in His suffering and pain, the more we will understand Your eternal character and Your unsurpassed attributes to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN.
箴言 9:11:
9:1-12 基督已經預備了法令,祂的子民可以接受這些法令,並透過這些法令給那些相信祂的人提供這裡的營養,以及以後在天堂的住所。福音傳道者出去邀請客人。這個呼籲是普遍性的,不會排斥任何不排斥自己的人。我們的救主來,不是為了呼召義人,而是為了呼召罪人。不是他們自己眼中的智者,他們說他們看到了。我們必須遠離不敬虔之人的陪伴和愚蠢的快樂,否則我們永遠無法享受聖潔生活的快樂。與惡人結交並希望對他們行善是徒勞無功的。我們更有可能被他們腐蝕。拋棄愚昧的人是不夠的,我們必須加入那些行在智慧中的人。除了宗教之道之外,就沒有真正的智慧;除了宗教之道之外,就沒有真正的生活。這是擁抱它的人的幸福。人不能為神帶來益處;人不能為神帶來益處。這是為了我們好。觀察那些輕視它的人的恥辱和毀滅。神不是罪的創造者:撒但只能試探,而不能強迫。你將承擔你所蔑視的一切的損失:這將加重你的罪責。
為箴言 9:10 禱告:
透過箴言 9:10 禱告:
For by me thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be increased.
Commentary on this verse:
9:1-12 Christ has prepared ordinances to which his people are admitted, and by which nourishment is given here to those that believe in him, as well as mansions in heaven hereafter. The ministers of the gospel go forth to invite the guests. The call is general, and shuts out none that do not shut out themselves. Our Saviour came, not to call the righteous, but sinners; not the wise in their own eyes, who say they see. We must keep from the company and foolish pleasures of the ungodly, or we never can enjoy the pleasures of a holy life. It is vain to seek the company of wicked men in the hope of doing them good; we are far more likely to be corrupted by them. It is not enough to forsake the foolish, we must join those that walk in wisdom. There is no true wisdom but in the way of religion, no true life but in the end of that way. Here is the happiness of those that embrace it. A man cannot be profitable to God; it is for our own good. Observe the shame and ruin of those who slight it. God is not the Author of sin: and Satan can only tempt, he cannot force. Thou shalt bear the loss of that which thou scornest: it will add to thy condemnation.
Prayer for Proverbs 9:10:
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Praying through Proverbs 9:10:
Our prayer:
Heavenly Father, give us an understanding heart, a fear of Your great and glorious majesty, and an increasing knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ... for the more we know Him and the power of His Resurrection, and the more we fellowship in His suffering and pain, the more we will understand Your eternal character and Your unsurpassed attributes to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN.
箴言 9:11:
9:1-12 基督已經預備了法令,祂的子民可以接受這些法令,並透過這些法令給那些相信祂的人提供這裡的營養,以及以後在天堂的住所。福音傳道者出去邀請客人。這個呼籲是普遍性的,不會排斥任何不排斥自己的人。我們的救主來,不是為了呼召義人,而是為了呼召罪人。不是他們自己眼中的智者,他們說他們看到了。我們必須遠離不敬虔之人的陪伴和愚蠢的快樂,否則我們永遠無法享受聖潔生活的快樂。與惡人結交並希望對他們行善是徒勞無功的。我們更有可能被他們腐蝕。拋棄愚昧的人是不夠的,我們必須加入那些行在智慧中的人。除了宗教之道之外,就沒有真正的智慧;除了宗教之道之外,就沒有真正的生活。這是擁抱它的人的幸福。人不能為神帶來益處;人不能為神帶來益處。這是為了我們好。觀察那些輕視它的人的恥辱和毀滅。神不是罪的創造者:撒但只能試探,而不能強迫。你將承擔你所蔑視的一切的損失:這將加重你的罪責。
為箴言 9:10 禱告:
透過箴言 9:10 禱告: