Tang Wei Ping
Humble Prayer Warrior
Proverbs 11:18:
The wicked worketh a deceitful work: but to him that soweth righteousness shall be a sure reward.
Commentary on this verse:
There is only one way to a successful life – pursue it faithfully and righteously, as unto the Lord. Sinners cheat themselves! They plan and labor toward a goal, but they either miss their target, or they are unhappy once they get it. On the other hand, the righteous diligently and patiently pursue their objectives, and they either obtain what they sought, or they find equal or greater peace and pleasure without it. What a contrast in lives! Consider the proverb. The deceitful work of the wicked is the elusiveness of success. He aims for pleasure by sin. He pursues his lusts, but the results never satisfy his craving heart or body. Compare the two clauses to prove this interpretation. The wicked man compares to the righteous. The deceitful work compares to the sure reward. Therefore, the righteous man gets what he patiently pursues, but the wicked end up deceived.
Our prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father, we come before You today claiming the promise in Proverbs 11:18. Help us LORD God that we will not be among the wicked who earn deceitful wages, but we will be among those who sow righteousness and reap a sure reward. We pray that You will help us to always choose the path of righteousness, even when it is difficult. Give us the strength and wisdom to make the right decisions and to live a life that is pleasing to You. We trust in Your promise that those who sow righteousness will reap a sure reward. We believe that You are faithful to Your word and that You will bless us abundantly as we seek to follow You. Thank You for your love and grace, and for the promise of a sure reward for those who sow righteousness. We pray all these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.
箴言 11:18:
通往成功生活的方法只有一種──忠心、正義地追求它,就像追求主一樣。罪人欺騙自己!他們計劃並努力實現一個目標,但他們要么未能實現目標,要么一旦實現目標就感到不高興。另一方面,正義者勤奮而耐心地追求他們的目標,他們要麼獲得他們所尋求的東西,要麼在沒有它的情況下找到同等或更大的平安和快樂。生活中的對比是多麼強烈啊! 考慮一下這句諺語。惡人的欺騙行為是難以成功的。他的目的是透過罪來獲得快樂。他追求自己的慾望,但結果卻永遠無法滿足他內心和身體的渴望。比較這兩個條款來證明這個解釋。惡人與義人比較。欺騙性的工作與確實的報酬相比。因此,義人所追求的,最終都會得到;惡人最終卻受了欺騙。
親愛的天父, 今天我們來到你面前,宣告箴言 11:18 中的應許。主啊,求你幫助我們,使我們不再是那些賺取虛假工資的惡人,而是成為那些播種正義並獲得可靠回報的人。 我們祈求您幫助我們始終選擇正義的道路,即使在困難的時候。賜給我們力量和智慧,讓我們做出正確的決定,過著令您滿意的生活。 我們相信您的應許,那些播種正義的人將獲得確定的回報。我們相信您信守諾言,當我們尋求跟隨您時,您會大大祝福我們。 感謝您的愛和恩典,並應許為那些播種正義的人帶來肯定的獎賞。我們奉耶穌的名禱告這一切。阿門。
The wicked worketh a deceitful work: but to him that soweth righteousness shall be a sure reward.
Commentary on this verse:
There is only one way to a successful life – pursue it faithfully and righteously, as unto the Lord. Sinners cheat themselves! They plan and labor toward a goal, but they either miss their target, or they are unhappy once they get it. On the other hand, the righteous diligently and patiently pursue their objectives, and they either obtain what they sought, or they find equal or greater peace and pleasure without it. What a contrast in lives! Consider the proverb. The deceitful work of the wicked is the elusiveness of success. He aims for pleasure by sin. He pursues his lusts, but the results never satisfy his craving heart or body. Compare the two clauses to prove this interpretation. The wicked man compares to the righteous. The deceitful work compares to the sure reward. Therefore, the righteous man gets what he patiently pursues, but the wicked end up deceived.
Our prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father, we come before You today claiming the promise in Proverbs 11:18. Help us LORD God that we will not be among the wicked who earn deceitful wages, but we will be among those who sow righteousness and reap a sure reward. We pray that You will help us to always choose the path of righteousness, even when it is difficult. Give us the strength and wisdom to make the right decisions and to live a life that is pleasing to You. We trust in Your promise that those who sow righteousness will reap a sure reward. We believe that You are faithful to Your word and that You will bless us abundantly as we seek to follow You. Thank You for your love and grace, and for the promise of a sure reward for those who sow righteousness. We pray all these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.
箴言 11:18:
通往成功生活的方法只有一種──忠心、正義地追求它,就像追求主一樣。罪人欺騙自己!他們計劃並努力實現一個目標,但他們要么未能實現目標,要么一旦實現目標就感到不高興。另一方面,正義者勤奮而耐心地追求他們的目標,他們要麼獲得他們所尋求的東西,要麼在沒有它的情況下找到同等或更大的平安和快樂。生活中的對比是多麼強烈啊! 考慮一下這句諺語。惡人的欺騙行為是難以成功的。他的目的是透過罪來獲得快樂。他追求自己的慾望,但結果卻永遠無法滿足他內心和身體的渴望。比較這兩個條款來證明這個解釋。惡人與義人比較。欺騙性的工作與確實的報酬相比。因此,義人所追求的,最終都會得到;惡人最終卻受了欺騙。
親愛的天父, 今天我們來到你面前,宣告箴言 11:18 中的應許。主啊,求你幫助我們,使我們不再是那些賺取虛假工資的惡人,而是成為那些播種正義並獲得可靠回報的人。 我們祈求您幫助我們始終選擇正義的道路,即使在困難的時候。賜給我們力量和智慧,讓我們做出正確的決定,過著令您滿意的生活。 我們相信您的應許,那些播種正義的人將獲得確定的回報。我們相信您信守諾言,當我們尋求跟隨您時,您會大大祝福我們。 感謝您的愛和恩典,並應許為那些播種正義的人帶來肯定的獎賞。我們奉耶穌的名禱告這一切。阿門。