Tang Wei Ping
Humble Prayer Warrior
Psalm 119:119:
Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross: therefore I love thy testimonies.
Commentary on this verse:
119:113-120 Here is a dread of the risings of sin, and the first beginnings of it. The more we love the law of God, the more watchful we shall be, lest vain thoughts draw us from what we love. Would we make progress in keeping God's commands, we must be separate from evil-doers. The believer could not live without the grace of God; but, supported by his hand, his spiritual life shall be maintained. Our holy security is grounded on Divine supports. All departure from God's statutes is error, and will prove fatal. Their cunning is falsehood. There is a day coming which will put the wicked into everlasting fire, the fit place for the dross. See what comes of sin Surely we who fall so low in devout affections, should fear, lest a promise being left us of entering into heavenly rest, any of us should be found to come short of it, Hebrew 4:1.
Prayer for Psalm 119:114:
“You are my shelter and my shield; I put my hope in Your word.”
Praying through Psalm 119:114:
Our prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You that You are our hiding place. Help us to abide in You, day by day. Thank You that You are our Shield and Defender. Help us to remain covered in the spiritual armour of God so that we may stand fast in Christ in the evil day. Thank You that Your Word of truth is altogether sure and can never fail. Help us to patiently endure the trials and difficulties of life, knowing that the day is fast approaching when Jesus will come to take us to be with You, Whom to know is life eternal. To You be all praise and glory. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.
詩篇 119:119:
119:113-120 這是對罪的興起及其最初開始的恐懼。我們越愛上帝的律法,就越要警醒,免得虛榮的思想使我們偏離所愛的。我們若想在遵守上帝的誡命上取得進步,就必須遠離惡人。沒有神的恩典,信徒就無法生活。但有他的手支撐,他的精神生活就會得以維持。我們神聖的安全是建立在神聖的支持上的。一切背離上帝律例的行為都是錯誤的,並且將被證明是致命的。他們的狡猾就是謊言。總有一天,惡人將被投入永火之中,那是適合放置渣滓的地方。看看罪帶來的後果我們這些在虔誠的情感上如此墮落的人肯定應該害怕,免得我們失去了進入天國安息的應許,我們中的任何一個人都會被發現達不到它(希伯來書4:1)。
為詩篇 119:114 禱告:
透過詩篇 119:114 祈禱:
Psalm 119:119 Commentaries: You have removed all the wicked of the earth like dross; Therefore I love Your testimonies.
#HeavenlyFatherswillprevails #Jesusisourmediator #HolySpiritisourcomforter
A Triune God to serve
A mind to work for God’s will and glory
A heart to repent and pray
A living soul to take care
We are nothing in ourselves, and therefore we will lay out ourselves to the utmost, in the strength of the grace of Christ.
#聖靈我們的安慰者 事奉三位一體的神
為神的旨意和榮耀而工作的心 一顆悔改禱告的心 需要照顧的活生生的靈魂 我們自己什麼都不是,因此我們要依靠基督恩典的力量,將自己發揮到極致。
Thou puttest away all the wicked of the earth like dross: therefore I love thy testimonies.
Commentary on this verse:
119:113-120 Here is a dread of the risings of sin, and the first beginnings of it. The more we love the law of God, the more watchful we shall be, lest vain thoughts draw us from what we love. Would we make progress in keeping God's commands, we must be separate from evil-doers. The believer could not live without the grace of God; but, supported by his hand, his spiritual life shall be maintained. Our holy security is grounded on Divine supports. All departure from God's statutes is error, and will prove fatal. Their cunning is falsehood. There is a day coming which will put the wicked into everlasting fire, the fit place for the dross. See what comes of sin Surely we who fall so low in devout affections, should fear, lest a promise being left us of entering into heavenly rest, any of us should be found to come short of it, Hebrew 4:1.
Prayer for Psalm 119:114:
“You are my shelter and my shield; I put my hope in Your word.”
Praying through Psalm 119:114:
Our prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You that You are our hiding place. Help us to abide in You, day by day. Thank You that You are our Shield and Defender. Help us to remain covered in the spiritual armour of God so that we may stand fast in Christ in the evil day. Thank You that Your Word of truth is altogether sure and can never fail. Help us to patiently endure the trials and difficulties of life, knowing that the day is fast approaching when Jesus will come to take us to be with You, Whom to know is life eternal. To You be all praise and glory. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.
詩篇 119:119:
119:113-120 這是對罪的興起及其最初開始的恐懼。我們越愛上帝的律法,就越要警醒,免得虛榮的思想使我們偏離所愛的。我們若想在遵守上帝的誡命上取得進步,就必須遠離惡人。沒有神的恩典,信徒就無法生活。但有他的手支撐,他的精神生活就會得以維持。我們神聖的安全是建立在神聖的支持上的。一切背離上帝律例的行為都是錯誤的,並且將被證明是致命的。他們的狡猾就是謊言。總有一天,惡人將被投入永火之中,那是適合放置渣滓的地方。看看罪帶來的後果我們這些在虔誠的情感上如此墮落的人肯定應該害怕,免得我們失去了進入天國安息的應許,我們中的任何一個人都會被發現達不到它(希伯來書4:1)。
為詩篇 119:114 禱告:
透過詩篇 119:114 祈禱:
Psalm 119:119 Commentaries: You have removed all the wicked of the earth like dross; Therefore I love Your testimonies.
#HeavenlyFatherswillprevails #Jesusisourmediator #HolySpiritisourcomforter
A Triune God to serve
A mind to work for God’s will and glory
A heart to repent and pray
A living soul to take care
We are nothing in ourselves, and therefore we will lay out ourselves to the utmost, in the strength of the grace of Christ.
#聖靈我們的安慰者 事奉三位一體的神
為神的旨意和榮耀而工作的心 一顆悔改禱告的心 需要照顧的活生生的靈魂 我們自己什麼都不是,因此我們要依靠基督恩典的力量,將自己發揮到極致。