Faithful Servant
Lord God guide me through this day! Show me Your will for my life. As I go into work this afternoon help me to keep my eyes on YOU. Help me to be a witness for Your kingdom. Ease my mind Father. I trust You and I know You are healing my marriage as I pray. I dont understand Your time Lord so please comfort me as I wait on Your will. Lead me to chances to witness for You. Whisper to me what to say to bring comfort and healing In YOUR name for Your glory. Bless Missy this afternoon with a renewed love for me and commitment to our marriage. I pray Lord that You restore happiness in her heart at the thought of us growing old together. Lead us down the path that leads to YOU. Lord help me to be the husband and spritual leader of our Family that You would have me to be. I ask in Jesus name that in everything You recieve the honor and glory for it. Amen