Tang Wei Ping
Humble Prayer Warrior
1 Samuel 30:27:
To them which were in Bethel, and to them which were in south Ramoth, and to them which were in Jattir,
Commentary on this verse:
30:21-31 What God gives us, he designs we should do good with. In distributing the spoil, David was just and kind. Those are men of Belial indeed, who delight in putting hardships upon their brethren, and care not who is starved, so that they may be fed to the full. David was generous and kind to all his friends. Those who consider the Lord as the Giver of their abundance, will dispose of it with fairness and liberality.
Our prayer:
Heavenly Father, we learnt from David that we can strengthen ourselves in You. For You are our strong fortress and You are the God of our strength.
In You LORD God are power and might; and in You we find all that we need when we are weary. Forgive us for doubting Your strength and failing to access it in our life.
As Your children, we claim access to Your strength, rather than walk in our own limited power. Our fears tell us that if we take a wrong step, we will fall into danger.
Help us learn from David to inquire of You LORD God; and remember of Your assurance to provide us strength as the feet of a deer. Grant us direction and strength to do what we are called to do. And put LORD God a spring in our steps as we follow where You lead.
LORD God, we need You, for our strength is limited but Your strength is endless.
Gird us with Your great strength for we are weak but You are strong. Strengthen our heart and resolve when life seems so challenging. Strengthen our mind to be pure, contrite and humble like Jesus Christ. Strengthen our hands to do all that You have called us to do; for You are our Strength. in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
撒母耳記上 30:27:
30:21-31 神所賜給我們的,祂希望我們善用。大衛在分配戰利品時是公正而仁慈的。這些人確實是彼列人,他們樂於讓自己的弟兄受苦,不關心誰挨餓,以便讓他們吃飽。大衛對他所有的朋友都很慷慨和友善。那些認為主是他們豐盛的賜予者的人,會公平而慷慨地處置它們。
天父,我們從大衛那裡得知 我們可以在你裡面加強自己。 因為你是我們堅強的堡壘 你是我們力量的神。
主有力量和能力; 當我們疲倦時,我們在你身上找到了我們所需要的一切。請原諒我們懷疑你的實力 並且在我們的生活中無法獲得它。
作為您的孩子,我們要求獲得您的力量,而不是行走 以我們自己有限的力量。 我們的恐懼告訴我們,如果我們踏出錯誤的一步,我們就會陷入危險。
幫助我們向大衛學習,求問主;並記住您向我們提供的保證 力如鹿足。賜給我們方向和力量,讓我們去做我們被呼召去做的事情。 願耶和華神成為我們腳步的泉源 當我們追隨您的帶領..
主神,我們需要你,因為我們的力量 有限,但你的力量卻無窮無盡。
用你偉大的力量束緊我們,因為我們很弱,但你很堅強。 當生活充滿挑戰時,堅定我們的心和決心。加強我們的思想,使我們像耶穌基督一樣純潔、痛悔和謙卑。 加強我們的雙手去做您呼召我們所做的一切事; 因為你是我們的力量。 我們奉耶穌的名禱告。阿門。
To them which were in Bethel, and to them which were in south Ramoth, and to them which were in Jattir,
Commentary on this verse:
30:21-31 What God gives us, he designs we should do good with. In distributing the spoil, David was just and kind. Those are men of Belial indeed, who delight in putting hardships upon their brethren, and care not who is starved, so that they may be fed to the full. David was generous and kind to all his friends. Those who consider the Lord as the Giver of their abundance, will dispose of it with fairness and liberality.
Our prayer:
Heavenly Father, we learnt from David that we can strengthen ourselves in You. For You are our strong fortress and You are the God of our strength.
In You LORD God are power and might; and in You we find all that we need when we are weary. Forgive us for doubting Your strength and failing to access it in our life.
As Your children, we claim access to Your strength, rather than walk in our own limited power. Our fears tell us that if we take a wrong step, we will fall into danger.
Help us learn from David to inquire of You LORD God; and remember of Your assurance to provide us strength as the feet of a deer. Grant us direction and strength to do what we are called to do. And put LORD God a spring in our steps as we follow where You lead.
LORD God, we need You, for our strength is limited but Your strength is endless.
Gird us with Your great strength for we are weak but You are strong. Strengthen our heart and resolve when life seems so challenging. Strengthen our mind to be pure, contrite and humble like Jesus Christ. Strengthen our hands to do all that You have called us to do; for You are our Strength. in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
撒母耳記上 30:27:
30:21-31 神所賜給我們的,祂希望我們善用。大衛在分配戰利品時是公正而仁慈的。這些人確實是彼列人,他們樂於讓自己的弟兄受苦,不關心誰挨餓,以便讓他們吃飽。大衛對他所有的朋友都很慷慨和友善。那些認為主是他們豐盛的賜予者的人,會公平而慷慨地處置它們。
天父,我們從大衛那裡得知 我們可以在你裡面加強自己。 因為你是我們堅強的堡壘 你是我們力量的神。
主有力量和能力; 當我們疲倦時,我們在你身上找到了我們所需要的一切。請原諒我們懷疑你的實力 並且在我們的生活中無法獲得它。
作為您的孩子,我們要求獲得您的力量,而不是行走 以我們自己有限的力量。 我們的恐懼告訴我們,如果我們踏出錯誤的一步,我們就會陷入危險。
幫助我們向大衛學習,求問主;並記住您向我們提供的保證 力如鹿足。賜給我們方向和力量,讓我們去做我們被呼召去做的事情。 願耶和華神成為我們腳步的泉源 當我們追隨您的帶領..
主神,我們需要你,因為我們的力量 有限,但你的力量卻無窮無盡。
用你偉大的力量束緊我們,因為我們很弱,但你很堅強。 當生活充滿挑戰時,堅定我們的心和決心。加強我們的思想,使我們像耶穌基督一樣純潔、痛悔和謙卑。 加強我們的雙手去做您呼召我們所做的一切事; 因為你是我們的力量。 我們奉耶穌的名禱告。阿門。