Good and Faithful Servant
First of all Father I want to give you praise and thanks and thank you that through your word and my faith this petition will be answered and quickly Lord God father in heaven first of all I ask for all my sins to be forgiven even if I've confessed them before and have left out things in my confessions in the past. I also ask all my words I've used in my lifetime up till now to be forgiven since I don't think I've ever asked to be forgiven for them yet. Please wash and cleanse me of all sin spoken or done. I bring up to you evil Gangstalkers the ones I do know and the ones I don't know up to you heavenly courtroom along with my wife and my mom as two witnesses on my behalf against these evil people, their technology their witchcraft mind games and constant barrage of lies and manipulation they do in my head and ear. things like they shall not be destroyed, but yes the wicked will be destroyed. They falsely accuse me of things that aren't even mentioned in your word. They don't speak clearly and twist and turn their speech into something else then try to twist it against me. They violate me with my god given right to do and be who I am and be innocent as you've already declared me innocent in your name and your blood. They've said all kinds of nasty things about you as well lord and against me because I follow you. Reading this thing on heavenly court room etiquette, there is a word called a DEMURRER which means while I'm a sinner but at the same time what is being accused is of the secular worldly rules and I'm forgiven my sins and you the devil or his minions can't judge me on secular means or rules. I decry that the death penalty they keep trying to throw at me and trying to sacrifice me with their false hood a iniquity Jesus You paid my penalty already. But In Jesus name every Ganstalker against me and or any other Gangstalker in the world, who torment innocent people with technology and try to get them killed imprisoned, or thrown into mental wards. They use wizardry Sorcery, and witchcraft against people who are already in your love are already innocent. They also try to override your truth with their own truth which is false and should be punished for all they do. Again I say that since Jesus already paid my price and am innocent already I've already been pardoned. Now the evil person is saying into my mind or ear that no matter I say Or do will matter but yes it will. Scripture makes it clear our enemy the devil and any of his minions are already defeated. So yes it does matter they will be destroyed and they will stop this torture. I ask You Jesus to arrest all involved and bring the revenge on to them what your word says, that you will avenge us for the workers of iniquity and those that deceive. I ask for Judgement and condemnation against all of them all at once and don't let no one take their place. I've in love and fairness have asked for them to repent several times. They haven't they don't they get worse. I ask Jesus that enough time has been given to those involved in this endeavor to steal my salvation and to kill me and for them to repent has gone on long enough. While it is clear in your word we judge the outwardly while you judge the inside, people who falsely accuse and stand on it as if it's something good, and or use rules that don't exist or only exist to them so they can control or rule over people aren't Good no matter what. As it say a good tree can't produce bad fruit. Bad trees can't produce good fruit. But their grace period is up Jesus or I ask that you close their Grace period over my life and others. They falsely say they see all I do or hear what is in my mind but the scriptures make it clear that they can't nor don't. RF signals meaning Radio Signals don't do this, but through illegal use of RF signals they've manipulated my head into believing this was true when I knew it wasn't but their subliminal messages still made my mind think so. They use my weakness in anticipating what's being said to punish me for saying some word in my mind what I anticipate. It's hard to Jesus when berated with noise into my head and ear to not repeat things certain times. They call me Donald I guess because I eat McDonald Cheeseburgers or something... If they have sold their souls to the devil this means they are possessed by demons and may have demonized powers, but that still doesn't mean what they say is true. Now they exalt themselves above me and you or try to against you. They put pressure into parts of my head using text messages or other cell phone tools using subliminal messages to think that something is or has happened when it hasn't. They claim this is just a innocent word game war game whatever but it's not I want them gone. I am humbled not doing things to revenge myself against them except for my faith and prayers. Lord father in Jesus name I really need a quick judgement and sentence to come down to them all and all at once not slowly. what they've stole from me is my silence, my peace of mind, my ability to listen to the tv without the subtitles since they use their technology and or mind games to override my head and ears to hear what they want me to hear I don't want to hear them I want to hear what is actually being said. I don't want to be isolated. I don't want this evil girl placing pressure on my head in an ill attempt to bring about intimidation, and fear. Close those portals into my brain they use to speak their evil into it. I ask in Jesus name for this judgement to be quickly carried out and not slowly. Instantly not slow please. I've herd in the v2k yesterday I recorded they want to have my wife sacrifice me or something it was hard to make out. I ask too Jesus fro you to bind permanently the powers and principalities of the air and never be able to used against me ever again. All their chants and enchants to come to an end forever. I need my ability to think and not be told they see or heard that... I want to be able to sit and not hear them at all never again. they've had long enough to repent. they when I ignore them they invade either my tv or by whatever means turn up the volume so I hear them instead. while some of this sounds like accusations, it's a defense them and what they've done to me and still do. Father I admit and have admitted several times to being haughty, and while I don't excuse it mostly it's only been in my words not actions. I may yell scream and all kinds of things, but mostly I've never went out to do things to people to get revenge on them. I've let go of all my resentments against my dad and mom and others throughout my life. Again Jesus I bring evil to your courts to declare their legal right to me to be null and void. There are things I don't think are sin or because of your word they don't have any legal right to me in those areas. But I do say I will avow to be a bit more self restraint in those things if you will grant my petition and not let them if they do somehow see me at all. Meaning close off Satan's Mirror evil eye or technology they use. Computers x-rays etc... all things I don't know. Or things they use as subliminal. They've also said I was family no I am not nor have I ever been their family and I hear by null and void them of ever calling me any part of their family. They are not nor will they ever be! This evil whisperer keeps whispering into my left ear and or they try to whisper into my right ear at times as well. saying I will never be rid of him or them I call BS to that. Now he just tried to push me! or sent a subliminal message to make me think he did. But what ever the truth is that's what happened. But again Lord Jesus and Father I bring as my witnesses for me. I bring my wife and my mom all members of my real family that's left. Carolyn Pat my cousins Marjean my Aunt. my three nieces Halea, Keziah, and Aurora and if they've been involved then... ??? but I bring them up to your court to bare witness for me against them! and to quickly bring about your Judgement and sentence against them! AMEN!