Prayer Warrior
Lord, give me strength, wisdom, power and faith to overcome the feeling of defeat in my life. My relationship had fallen apart because my partner Donavan felt that being a stay home mother for 5 years was to long. He felt that he needed someone in his life that gave him the same financial means that he had. He left our family a couple of weeks and came home for 2 weeks and left again. Throughout our 16 years relationship I've helped him reach where he is at today. By being a pillar of support and encouragement. When he was out of work, I was working to provide for our family. It was stressful times but I never gave up and always thought of our family. Everything I've done was for our family. I've made sacrifice for our family and for him. Now I feel that all that I've done he's not considering any of those because he reach a certain point in his career that money is important. I'm very disappointed with him and the last 5 years I took care of our children and our home life while he worked his way up. Now he just left us over money as I've come to find out. He feels that he meant someone who can give him the same means. Lord, i ask that relationship ends with that other women. Lord, I pray that you help him reconsider his arrogant thinking and have him understand what I've done for our family. Lord, have him reconsider his action and come home to be a father and a loveing partner again. Have our relationship restored. Fill his heart with much love for me. I also pray Lord, help me find a rewarding job for myself with the financial means to take care of my family. I don't believe that any amount of money should end a family or for him to think he's better than me or anyone else. I find it insulting and selfish on his part. Father, I pray for financial breakthrough and promising Job offer for myself. I ask that you place your hand on my finances. Father, I trust in your ability to prosper me in this time. Father grab a hold of my life and teach me to prosper. Holy spirit bless the fruit of my hands, heart, and mind that I will be able to find opportunities to prosper in my life for me and my kids. In Jesus Name. Amen.